Our mission is to empower Asian and other communities to end female genital cutting and create positive social change through dialogue, education, and collaboration based on community involvement.

  • To bring an end to the practice of female genital cutting (also known as female genital mutilation or female circumcision), which has been recognized as a human rights violation by the World Health Organization, United Nations Populations Fund (UNFPA) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
  • To enable a culture in which a woman/girl’s body and female sexuality is not feared or suppressed, but embraced as normal.
  • To recognize and emphasize the values of consent and a child/woman’s right over her own body.


Sahiyo began in early 2015 as a conversation between five women who felt strongly about the ritual of female genital cutting (khatna) in the Bohra community. The group includes a social worker, a researcher, two filmmakers, and a journalist. Each individual had already been speaking out, in their own ways, against the practice of khatna.

As their collaboration grew, they realized the need for an organized, informed forum within the community that could help drive a movement to bring an end to khatna. That is how Sahiyo, the organization, was born. Sahiyo is dedicated to empowering Asian communities to end female genital cutting (FGC) and create positive social change. By working towards an FGC-free world, Sahiyo aims to recognize and emphasize the values of consent and a child’s/woman’s right over her own body, and  to enable a culture in which female sexuality is not feared or suppressed but embraced as normal. Today, Sahiyo has divided into two legal entities - Sahiyo U.S & Sahiyo India. 

Sahiyo is the Bohra Gujarati word for ‘saheliyo,’ or friends, and reflects the organization’s mission to engage in dialogue with the community to find a collective solution towards ending FGC or khatna.


  • Nari Smata Manch recognized ‘Sahiyo’ for its contributions to build a dialogue around FGC with the ‘Daughter of Maharashtra’ Award in 2016.
  • A Sahiyo blog contributor’s essay about her personal experience of FGC won South Asia’s first ever Laadli Media and Advertising Award for Gender Sensitivity, founded by Population First in 2017.
  • Sahiyo received a Shoor Veer Award in 2018.
  • Sahiyo co-founder Aarefa Johari and independent writer-activist Aysha Mahmood won the Laadli Media and Advertising Award for Gender Sensitivity, 2018 for their investigation revealing the prevalence of FGC in Kerala.
  • Sahiyo was recognized by Population Reference Bureau as one of six inspiring organizations working on ending FGM/C in 2018.
  • In 2019, Sahiyo was awarded a winner (1 of 3) the ViiV Healthcare #EndFGM Positive Action Challenge. The #ENDFGM Positive Action Challenge supports innovative interventions to bring about a sustained change in attitudes and social norms towards ending FGC.
  • In 2022, Mohammad Chappalwala won the Donald A. Strong Man of The Year Award from the Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation for his work with supporting men to end FGC. Learn more about his work here.
  • In 2023 Mariya Taher received the Global Woman Award for her policy work to end FGM/C in 2023 and was recognized as a 2023 L'Oréal Paris USA Women of Worth honoree









  • Launched a change.org petition (in collaboration with 33 organizations from around the world) calling on the U.N. and other international bodies to invest more research and support towards ending FGC in Asia
  • Released media toolkit to help media report on FGC sensitively
  • Released results of a two-year exploratory study on FGC within the Dawoodi Bohra community. The study showed 81% of the survey participants wanted FGC to end within the community
  • Participated as delegates at Difficult Dialogues, an annual conference on issues of national interest in Goa, India. Organised in affiliation with University College London, with the theme of “India’s health – A grand challenge”
  • Held first Thaal Pe Charcha (loosely translated as ‘discussions over food’), in which 16 Bohra women were invited to discuss — for the first time — the challenges of living as young girls and women in the tightly knit Dawoodi Bohra community
  • A Sahiyo blog contributor’s essay about her personal experience of FGC won South Asia’s first ever Laadli Media And Advertising Award for Gender Sensitivity, founded by Population First.
  • Released an investigative report that brought to light that FGC was occurring in Kerala
  • Joined Alliance for Inclusive Muslims, a global coalition that works against radicalism within Islam, violence against women and other human rights abuses, as well as Islamophobia
  • Spoke at Hilton Humanitarian Symposium in Los Angeles, California on empowering the silent to speak 
  • Hosted a roundtable with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to discuss how to work in a way that is culturally appropriate, with children and families in the state, in cases involving female genital cutting
  • Attended the European Forum to Build Bridges on FGM to take part in transnational, cross-border cooperation on ending FGC globally
  • Spotlighted at the We The Women Conference on a panel “Unveiling the horror of Female Genital Cutting” in Mumbai, India






  • Hosted a special Thaal Pe Charcha “Iftar” dinner in Mumbai with 24 women and men from the Bohra community during the holy month of Ramzan
  • Sahiyo India hosted Second Annual Activists’ Retreat in Mumbai
  • Sahiyo U.S. hosted Second Annual Activist Retreat in New York
  • Faces for Change photo campaign launched to highlight survivors of FGC 
  • Sahiyo is part of planning committee for pre-conference on FGC at the 2019 Women Deliver conference in Vancouver
  • Co-hosted an inaugural roundtable to raise awareness of FGC in Massachusetts and build a state coalition to actively address the issue 
  • Launched Male Ally Campaign
  • Sahiyo took part in FemmeCon, India’s first women’s health festival organised by TheaCare. The exhibition displayed photos and quotes of FGC survivors who participated in Sahiyo’s Faces for Change campaign. 
  • In 2019, Sahiyo hosted three workshops for the Voices to End FGM/C project: a pilot online workshop in June that allowed for participants from all over the world, another in September in Asheville, North Carolina (partnered with Threads for Wellbeing), and the last was held in November in Washington DC (Partnered with George Washington University School of Public Health).