Voices to End FGM/C

Voices to End FGM/C is mobilizing a critical mass of storytellers and activists from across the globe by bringing people together to share and heal from their experiences of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), connect and grow as leaders in their own communities, and create short videos calling for an end to this harmful practice.

History & Impact

Voices to End FGM/C is a joint digital storytelling project initiated in by Sahiyo and StoryCenter. In 2018, the two organizations launched an inaugural digital storytelling workshop that brought survivors of FGM/C living in the United States together to surface their personal experiences of FGM/C. These nine women’s stories elevated the conversation on FGM/C in the U.S. and the stories have been shared widely through online distribution, screening events, and via media articles. Sahiyo Stories, as the project was initially called, has been used as an educational tool to discuss FGM/C amongst survivors and within practicing communities. 

Since then, 8 workshops have occured and the name of the project has changed from Sahiyo Stories to Voices to End FGM/C.

The Voices project is ultimately about breaking from deeply ingrained social norms by normalizing the voices of those who dare to speak publicly and openly about a practice that for many communities is considered taboo to speak about openly and publicly. With storytelling comes a ripple effect in that one person’s story can influence others to also share. As stories build, the gap in data that exists on the total number of women and girls impacted globally by FGM/C will be further filled.

In all, 75 Voices to End FGM/C videos have been shared with the wider public through YouTube and our educational outreach programming. After taking part in our Voices program, 92% of our workshop participants have continued to stay involved with our organization and its work in various ways as Sahiyo ambassadors and volunteers. 

Participants have hailed from 19+ countries, including Singapore, Canada, Sweden, U.K., Tanzania, Liberia, The Gambia, Mali, Egypt, Nigeria, Somalia, Kenya, Chad, Pakistan, Bahrain, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the U.S., and Zimbabwe. These stories have been used on a variety of platforms to act as educational material not only in communities that practice FGC but also with healthcare professionals and government officials. Since 2018, the 75 videos have been viewed over 120,000 times across Sahiyo’s social media platforms.

Explore our Voices Screening Guide to effectively use our digital stories for advocacy and education on FGM/C.


Voices to End FGM/C has grown to include more than 70 storytellers from 19+ countries. They came to our workshops and crafted powerful short videos … but so much was left unsaid. If you’re interested in hearing more from our storytellers and learning more about the medical and legal landscape for FGM/C in the U.S. and in other parts of the world, tune in now to our podcast.

In six episodes ranging in length from 20-40 minutes each, Mariya and Amy talk with Voices digital storytelling participants about the complex familial, cultural, and political contexts of their stories. Some episodes bring in guests who have acted in their capacity as partners, therapists, public health professionals, and elected officials to speak out against FGM/C. If you’ve always wanted to know more about FGM/C, or if you’re wondering why, as a feminist or social justice activist, you should care about the topic, tune in now. All episodes are available on the Voices to End FGM/C website, as well as on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Listen to Episode Zero below: