Assuming rachel is required, and wine is required, the following results were found.

  • Sahiyo staff spotlight: Editorial coordinator Rachel Wine

    Rachel is a graduate student at Georgetown University, working towards her Master’s of Science in Global Health with a focus on health equity. In 2020, she earned her BSPH at Tulane University, where she double-majored in public health and anthropology...
  • A Conversation On Intersectionality: Sahiyo and The U.S. Network Launch Pilot Project

    to be a part of these conversations, please email either Caitlin LeMay of the U.S. Network ( or Rachel Wine of Sahiyo ( for more information. To learn more about Sahiyo’s Critical Intersections project, click...
  • Reflecting on The 4 Essential Strategies for Self and Community Care in Activism Event with Farzana Doctor

    By Rachel Wine Held on September 10, and co-hosted by Sahiyo and The U.S. End FGM/C Network, Farzana Doctor introduced her new workbook: “52 Weeks To A Sweeter Life”. The workbook is dedicated to the caregiver type and provides strategies for self-care...
  • Critical Intersections
  • Headline: Understanding the Critical Intersections of FGM/C with other social injustices: Encouraging dialogue on cross-movement collaboration

    larger social justice field If you and your organization would like to schedule a presentation or workshop, reach out to Rachel Wine at You can also learn more by visiting!
  • UNICEF releases new data on global prevalence of FGM/C

    By Rachel Wine On March 8th, 2024, UNICEF released Female Genital Mutilation: A Global Concern, a new report with updated data on the global prevalence of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). Compared to data released eight years ago, this...
  • 2024 begins with team transitions at Sahiyo

    change and heal, has gone viral multiple times for her work on South Asian women’s rights and mental health issues. Rachel Wine, Sahiyo’s former Editorial Coordinator, will transition into the role of Research Coordinator. She is eager to lead the...
  • Sahiyo staff spotlight: Editorial Assistant Megan Seaver

    and I didn’t want to let them down. However, after conducting a few interviews with the help of Editorial Coordinator Rachel Wine, as well as doing some on my own, I began to feel more and more confident in my ability to conduct the interviews in a...
  • Reflecting on an Israeli Minister’s decision to not grant asylum for a woman fleeing female genital mutilation/cutting

    By Rachel Wine On November 17th, outgoing Israeli Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked forwent the unanimous recommendation from a committee on refugee policy and rejected the asylum request of a young Sierra Leonian woman fleeing female genital...
  • A conversation with Washington activist Absa Samba: SB 5453 a product of collaboration and persistence

    By Rachel Wine As the Washington Senate Bill 5453 concerning female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) moves forward in the legislature, I had the honor of speaking with Absa Samba, who has been instrumental in advocating for legislation on FGM/C in...
  • Presenting the Critical Intersections Research Project to The Girl Generation

    On November 21st, Sahiyo’s Research Coordinator, Rachel Wine, and Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator, Aries Nuño, presented findings from the first stage of Sahiyo’s Critical Intersections Research Project to The Girl Generation. The...
  • My experience at the Global Woman Awards and Walk to End FGM

    By Rachel Wine On September 30th, I had the honor of joining survivors, activists, and allies from around the world to participate in the 9th Annual Global Woman Awards the 10th Annual Walk to End FGM. I was grateful for the opportunity to meet with my...

Results 1 - 12 of 12