Assuming activist is required, and retreat is required, the following results were found.

  • Sahiyo USA's Second Annual Activist Retreat: A recap

    learn more about the activists retreat, read the summary report. In March 2019, Sahiyo U.S. hosted our second annual activist retreat for women connected to the Bohra community who are concerned about the issue of FGC within the community. Sahiyo...
  • A Space to Belong: My Reflection on the 2023 Activist Retreat

    By: Umme Kulsoom Arif Pronouns: they/them Age: 29 Why Did You Want To Attend The Activist Retreat? I attended the Activist Retreat for the first time virtually in 2022, and it was a really affirming experience over those three days. However, I was...
  • FAQs

    holy month of Ramzan Sahiyo India hosted Second Annual Activists’ Retreat in Mumbai Sahiyo U.S. hosted Second Annual Activist Retreat in New York Faces for Change photo campaign launched to highlight survivors of FGC Sahiyo is part of planning committee...
  • I was impressed with the courage of young women at Sahiyo's Activist Retreat

    By Rashida Rangwala In March 2019, I attended my second Sahiyo Activist Retreat. For me it was an occasion to meet friends I had made last year at the 2018 retreat, share the progress I had made as an activist over the course of the past year, and...
  • My experience at the Sahiyo U.S. Activist Retreat made me reflect on my khatna

    but not with much purpose. I thought they were against it, just like me. I told them that I was going to a Sahiyo Activist Retreat where I would meet other Bohri women who are against khatna, otherwise known as female genital cutting. They said okay. At...
  • Sahiyo hosts third annual Activist Retreat

    Sahiyo held its third annual Activist Retreat in the United States via Zoom from April 10-12. The aim of the retreat was to continue to work toward building a network of U.S.-based Bohra activists against female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) by...
  • Reflecting on the 5th Annual Activist Retreat for members of the Bohra Community

    By Zehra Patwa From June 3rd to June 5th, we hosted our 5th Annual Sahiyo Bohra Anti-FGC Activist Retreat, which occurred virtually. Once again, we had new faces and alumni join us for the retreat with a diverse mix of experiences, personalities and...
  • Experiencing Sahiyo’s Activist Retreat in Mumbai

    do things and bring about the change. I would like to tell you about the time I decided to be a part of the Sahiyo’s Activist Retreat in Mumbai, and met such wonderful people who, in my eyes, were nothing short of superwomen. I cannot even begin to...
  • Why I feel Sahiyo’s Activist Retreat is a sacred space

    reinforce my commitment to continue to speak up against female genital cutting. To read more articles about Sahiyo’s Activist Retreats, click here.
  • Reflecting on the Activist Retreat

    By Arefa Cassoobhoy Why did you want to attend the retreat? I had attended a virtual retreat during Covid and I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed meeting other people virtually, so that helped me feel comfortable that I would do well in an...
  • Activists Retreat
  • Activists Retreat Reflection: Umme's experience

    By Umme Kulsoom Arif When I was first invited to join the 2022 Sahiyo Activists Retreat I was… terrified. I almost didn’t sign up. I wanted to be an activist and I wanted to do more with Sahiyo, but I was scared of both.. Being both non-binary and a...
  • My Reflections on Sahiyo’s Activist Retreat and my advocacy on ending FGM/C in the U.S.

    of Sahiyo and WeSpeakOut, groups who are working to end this cruel practice done in the name of religion. This Sahiyo Activist Retreat gave me insight into how I can talk to other pro-FGM/C people and how I can convey my thoughts on FGM/C to them in a...
  • Sahiyo Activist Retreats

    India Activist Retreat - 2019 The first annual Sahiyo Activists’ Retreats in the US and in India were organized in 2018 for advocates working to end Female Genital Cutting (FGC). The primary aim of these retreats in each country is to bring together...
  • I attended the U.S. Bohra Activist Retreat because I hope to see an end to FGM/C in my lifetime

    me in my own activism work to prevent FGC from happening to other girls. The brochures and guidance I received at the Activist Retreat has been invaluable in my work as an activist. The research findings from their global study on FGC in the Bohra...
  • My inner healing at Sahiyo's Activist Retreat in the U.S.

    By Anonymous Country: United States Age: 34 To be honest, it was hard for me to make the decision to go to the Sahiyo Activist Retreat earlier this year. I grew up in the Dawoodi Bohra community in India, and having had my share of challenges with the...
  • The Sahiyo Activist Retreat gave me insight on how to talk about FGM/C

    By Alifya Sulemanji Age: 45 Country of Residence: United States I was looking forward to attending the second Sahiyo Activist Retreat as it is a great platform to meet more women who are standing up for the abandonment of female genital...
  • What I learned about FGC at Sahiyo’s Virtual Activist Retreat

    in the media. I wanted to take a step further in joining the activism. The main reason I attended Sahiyo’s Virtual Activist Retreat was to learn more about the activism, and the stories about how it’s affected my community. There were two sessions that...
  • I have a story to tell - I was NOT cut: Reflecting after the Sahiyo U.S. Activist Retreat

    share the same emotional or physical experiences of some of the other Sahiyo participants who attended the Sahiyo U.S. Activist Retreat in March 2019 and who have undergone khatna, but I have a story to tell. My mother, myself, nor my daughter have...
  • Why I care about khatna: Reflections from the 2019 Sahiyo Activist Retreat

    which we are shamed, silenced, diminished, threatened, and put in our places. Earlier this year I attended the Sahiyo Activist Retreat. This retreat help me see how khatna is part of a large system. Just as there are many factors that perpetuate this...

Results 1 - 20 of 58