Assuming parents is required, the following results were found.

  • My experience learning about Kukeketwa (FGC)

    know behind the exterior of the jovial Tatu, there were scars that will never heal. I was one of the lucky girls because my parents were educated about the harms of this practice, and even with the pressure around the community, they never allowed me to...
  • Sahiyo spotlight: Incoming U.S. Advisory Board Chair Zehra Patwa

    advocate for an anti-FGM/C law in Connecticut, I have had to explain the nuances surrounding cutting and the motivations of parents who have their daughters cut. People outside cutting communities are usually horrified to hear about this practice,...
  • Moving Forward

    blind faith in the leaders of the community. I joined the Voices to End FGM/C workshop to share my journey with FGC. My parents did not participate in this custom, and thus I was spared from being cut. A big thank you to them! However, I have many...
  • Who are you, really?

    from the same source — me. In the universe I know — the one where I call myself me — there was a five-year-old girl whose parents made a choice. A choice I live with every day. In another universe, the one where she probably still calls herself she,...,-really.html
  • More Than A Survivor: Celebrating Queer Joy

    in — my own way of showing the people I love how much they matter to me. The two blankets shown are ones I made for my parents — and one of them has over three miles of yarn in it!" Check out Sahiyo's Instagram for more this Pride Month!
  • Join us in-person at Sahiyo's 2023 Activists Retreat

    year, in May, I had the honor of attending a one-day virtual retreat, where I met and spoke to survivors and those whose parents protected them from FGM/C, a perspective I had not anticipated hearing from, and simultaneously, one thatbrought me much...
  • FGM/C Sexual Education & Prevention: An Interview with Dr. Reham Awwad

    [if you teach her] she’s going to say no, no, no, no, you can’t do that to me, you know, and she might call and report her parents or tell somebody that would help her.” This is why Dr. Awwad has connected with, Tadwein Center for Gender Studies, a...
  • Washington State becomes 41st state to pass law against FGM/C

    sensitive and will maintain families well beings, as well as promote healing; and the community should have access (parents, children, and professionals). I am so proud to be a part of this great coalition.” ~Dr. Muna Osman “Passing this bill is long...
  • My thoughts on the Washington Senate Bill to end FGM/C

    (FGM/C), for fear of repercussions from our community. I wanted to use my voice, but I did not want to disappoint my parents or bring shame to my family. As I followed the Detroit FGM case in 2018, I became increasingly disappointed as it all unraveled....
  • Is the United Kingdom backing out of its commitment to end female genital cutting amid the COVID-19 pandemic?

    carry out FGC undetected,” across East and West Africa; and “economic hardship is driving increased rates of FGC because of parents seeking ‘bride prices.’” Other research conducted by UNFPA anticipates that as a result of coronavirus disruptions to FGC...
  • Voices Series: Why I keep sharing my personal khatna story, again and again

    emotion, self-reflection and the nuanced complexities of personal experience, it has been far more effective at inspiring parents to abandon khatna than didactic advocacy. This is why Sahiyo constantly seeks to create new platforms for storytelling, and...
  • Sahiyo staff spotlight: Editorial Coordinator Sheena Vasani

    Asian communities with my Mom, who I am a caregiver for as she has Parkinson’s Disease. Like a lot of South Asians, my parents were brought up in East Africa. My Mom knew girls who had gone through FGC, but it was just one of the many forms of...

Results 101 - 112 of 112