Assuming parents is required, the following results were found.

  • Detroit arrest: It is time for Bohras to get serious about ending Female Genital Cutting

    and a violation of human and child rights. In countries like the USA where FGC is a criminal offence, we believe that parents, too, cannot be absolved of the responsibility to follow the law. In the light of this Detroit case, Sahiyo would like to call...
  • FEMALE GENITAL CUTTING A Continuing Tradition

    the ideals and values often feel contradictory to those in the homeland. I think it’s still done by a lot of our immigrant parents to their children here because of the western temptation and sex and partying and all of these thingsthat their children...
  • To cut or not to cut? 10 Bohra stories to set off a debate on khatna

    Even though times have changed, many new-generation Bohras continue the practice under family pressure, because their parents claim it is farziyat (obligatory) in the religion. But today she wants to fight the practice. She was cut at seven, when her...
  • Bohra men must speak up to save their daughters from female circumcision

    and that this centuries-old practice has to continue just like how they went through it. I being the only son, live with my parents. My wife was torn between me on one side and my mother and her mother on the other. Talking to my parents did not help...
  • Sahiyo welcomes the new WHO guidelines to improve care for millions living with female genital cutting

    help they need.” Another great aspect touched upon by the guidelines is so called “medicalization” of the practice of FGC – parents asking medical doctors to perform genital cutting because they think it will be less harmful. This is a phenomenon that...
  • The cut that pierced my life

    surely did go along with some strange age old concepts. Including that of FGM. I was given a fairly advanced education, my parents enrolled me into one of the better schools and colleges in the city and always encouraged me to achieve more. As a child,...
  • I’m A Survivor of Female Genital Cutting and I’m Speaking Out – As Others Must Too

    paralysed in my seat. Memories I had suppressed since childhood came flooding to the foreground. I was seven years old. My parents had sent my brother and me to visit family in India for two months. On a humid mid-summer afternoon, my dad’s sister...
  • Why this Bohra father is guilty about his daughter's Khatna

    and that this centuries-old practice has to continue just like how they went through it. Being the only son, I live with my parents. My wife was torn between me on one side and my mother and her mother on the other. Talking to my parents did not help...
  • To cut or not to cut? Let our daughters grow up and decide

    Mumbai, India As I belong to a well-known and educated family, I was always given a chance to think outside the box. My parents were always supportive irrespective of what our community norms were. I was educated and given the same rights as my brothers...
  • Why doctors need to speak out against female genital cutting in India

    as a “scientific” justification for cutting all seven-year-old girls without consent. If this isn’t enough to mislead parents, we are also witnessing another disturbing trend: the medicalisation of khatna. Medicalisation refers to the trend in which the...
  • To each his own! A perspective on Female Genital Cutting by a Kuwaiti Bohra

    were circumcised. Of course the answer was, “What the hell are you even talking about?” I didn’t know how to confront my parents about it because all my life I just thought khatna must be essential just like a vaccination of some kind. When I did...
  • Let there be no more victims like me

    flash: these organs don’t stay dormant and get activated only when one gets married. Personally, I find the very idea of parents allowing strangers to access to their daughter’s private parts for non-medical reasons and letting them alter her genitals,...
  • UNFPA launches 2020 State of the World Population Report

    their own staff. Ntaiya was asked how she walks the line of abandoning FGC in Kenya while still showing respect for the parents of the girls with whom she works. Ntaiya made an important point that FGC elimination requires all people within the...
  • How female genital cutting is portrayed in television series

    when Mara awakes from surgery in pain. This signals that she has nerves that may be used to reconstruct the clitoris. Her parents and surgeon argue over whether Mara should undergo the reconstructive surgery or have the remaining nerves killed. The...
  • Mutilation or enhancement: A researcher’s argument for respectful terminology on genital cutting

    genitals as mutilated (a term that implies disfigurement or even an intent to cause harm). They explain that their loving parents, however misguided, did not intend to cause them net harm, just as, for example, Jewish parents who authorize that their...’s-argument-for-respectful-terminology.html
  • End FGM - Save our daughters

    they can use them wisely. When she was born, you promised to protect her. At the age of seven, they trust their family and parents the most. Parents tell them not to interact with strangers or not to let anyone touch you in your private areas, still...
  • Sahiyo U.S. Advisory Board Spotlight: Maryum Saifee

    Board. 1) Can you tell us a bit about your background? I was born and raised in Texas and the product of Indian immigrant parents. Like many South Asian-Americans, my parents were baffled when I strayed from the script (pursuing a medical degree to...
  • The Disturbing Trend of Medicalising Female Genital Mutilation

    compromise of medicalisation of FGM that competes against progress in the Zero Tolerance Campaign. A disturbing number of parents are seeking out healthcare providers to perform FGM. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), medicalisation is...
  • Khatna among Suleimanis, from the perspective of an 'outsider'

    long-standing principle in Islam, which everyone is already committed to. I have learned that in our community, responsible parents have already progressed to limiting the damage to the removal of the ‘clitoral hood’ and that these days this – what they...
  • Grief to promoting education: Jacqueline’s inspiration to end FGM/C

    received a grant from Equality Now to support their educational efforts to visit villages to educate young girls and their parents about FGM/C. “So we were a team of seven persons… but four of my other teammates did not go through the practice, so they...’s-inspiration-to-end-female-genital-cutting.html

Results 21 - 40 of 112