Assuming parents is required, the following results were found.

  • Female Genital Cutting charges dismissed but our work continues: Global reactions to Michigan case news

    girls.” ~ Farzana Doctor, Canada “By declaring the federal ban on FGM/C unconstitutional, Judge Friedman opens the door for parents to do exactly what was done in this case — take their daughters from states that ban FGM/C to states that don’t so they...
  • FGC in the United States

    Mutilation or Cutting in Girls 2019 Activists Launch the First Anti-FGM Network in the US U.S. woman says strict Christian parents subjected her to FGM Female Genital Cutting in Immigrant Children — Considerations in Treatment and Prevention in the...
  • The Impact of Laws and Use of Multi-Sectoral Approach (MSA) to eliminate FGM

    practices such as the rise of labiaplasty, cross-border FGM including the return of children from the diaspora to their parents’ countries of origin which practice FGM, and medicalisation of FGM. Therefore interventions to eliminate FGM need to be...
  • I deeply resented what was done to my most intimate parts without my permission

    it), it wasn’t right when I went through it and it wasn’t right when I put my daughter through it (under pressure from my parents). I have a hazy recollection of the day the FGM was performed on me back in India. I was approximately six or seven years...
  • Crying out our mothers’ grief: How we allowed female genital mutilation to flourish in our communities

    I was a sophomore in college when I began, and I sit here as a senior, writing to pledge my solidarity to end FGM. My parents had managed to shield me from the hushed conversations that I always knew were happening. I was 14 years old when I was finally...
  • Why one Bohra woman shared her experience with female genital cutting publicly

    small and vulnerable, and even petty for not sharing it with the people who needed to see it the most — Bohra people my parents’ age.” Khozema does not encourage women to share their stories if they arenot ready. Instead, she encourages women and men to...
  • Gender-Affirming Treatments are not Female Genital Cutting

    necessary, as many Idaho physicians are unwilling to provide gender-affirming care anyway, and fear the bill undermines the parents’ authority to make decisions for their children. Texas’s and Idaho’s legislators justify their actions with claims that...
  • Sahiyo Discusses: A Fractured Life by Shabnam Samuel

    of Panchgani, India. Her memoir, A Fractured Life, explores her life growing up in 1960s India after being abandoned by her parents. Sahiyo Discusses members will have the opportunity to discuss this book with Shabnam and ask pertinent questions....
  • Stop female circumcision, Dawoodi Bohra authorities tell community members in Australia

    Australia. Consequently, khafd is illegal, whether it is carried out within any of the states of Australia or overseas. All parents and guardians are hereby directed in the strictest terms not to carry out khafd under any circumstances. You are further...
  • No, even ‘symbolic’ or ‘mild’ female genital cutting is NOT okay

    is “time to try a new approach”, in which governments could ban the “worst forms” of genital cutting and instead “persuade” parents to choose the “least nasty version”. “However distasteful, it is better to have a symbolic nick from a trained health...
  • #NoMoreKhatna: Highlights from Sahiyo's animated Twitter chat on FGC

    on the Twitter chat. Another controversial aspect of the debate, of course, is the matter of a child’s consent and whether parents have the right to decide whether their daughter should be cut. While these tweets are just excerpts from a much larger...
  • I did not circumcise my daughters, says a Malay Muslim mother

    usually performed by a traditional midwife but now it is performed by a medical doctor at the clinic for a fee. Typically, parents will have it done on their baby one month after birth and like all surgical procedures, it endangers the infant to the...
  • "You have no right over your body." Things khatna supporters have told me

    agony. It was managed without harming me and I have no unforgiving memory of it”. She continued, “I also gave consent to my parents to have my ears pierced & it didn’t harm too”. I have heard many arguments comparing khatna to ear or nose piercing....
  • My Body Is Not Mine – A Muslim woman’s commentary on body autonomy

    even before that, it was never mine. It belongs to God, the Creator. Or at least, that is what religious leaders and my parents tell me. I, however, call bullshit. My body does not belong to God. My body belongs to their perception of God. My body, and...
  • A Kenyan Woman's Take on FGM/FGC in the Bohra Community

    procedure in Kenyan law since 2011. It was my first time to hear the word ‘khatna’. Though I am a Bohra thankfully my late parents did not subject me to it. And so hush-hush is this ritual that my subsequent enquiries bore no fruit. But in the process,...
  • I was spared from khatna because my Dadi happened to pass away

    but I was not cut. The reason for this is that my dadi (grandmother) passed away before it was my turn to be cut. My parents had got my sisters’ khatna done because of pressure from my dadi – otherwise, they never wanted to perform khatna on any of...
  • I will not support khatna even if my in-laws pressurise me

    and my husband is pretty cool and modern. I would not want khatna for my daughter, but I don’t know if my in-laws and my parents would agree if I differed with them on this ritual. Even if they insist on having it done, I still don’t support the...
  • A letter on khatna by a young Bohra man

    do. It makes me sad because it just proves how sexist the world is (which I do not want to believe). It saddens me because parents are still putting their daughter through this. For my religious friends: the Quran does not even mention khatna. So please...
  • We must realise that there is an alternative to khatna

    me. In the vague haze of childhood memories, that particular day stands out. I must have been around 6 or 7 years old. My parents told me I could miss school that day and were taking me out, I was obviously very ecstatic. I was taken to a ‘lady doctor’;...
  • As a psychotherapist, I would not recommend khatna

    but left with no choice but to accept it, as no one understood the impact of what had happened – not even my progressive parents. My life proceeded from then on no differently from that of other girls. My marital life, especially the sex, was...

Results 41 - 60 of 112