Assuming parents is required, the following results were found.

  • What do Australian Bohras feel about Khatna today?

    jammat have children who are still pretty young. They are not yet of age to have khatna performed. I do not know what parents will do when the time comes for them to decide if their daughters undergo it. I do not know whether they will abide by the...
  • Detroit FGM/C case: Why two more arrests have left me feeling bittersweet

    is currently behind bars. Those children were and are innocent, and are now suffering due to the criminal actions of their parents. I question who is at fault here. While the authorities are prosecuting those who are performing, covering up and...
  • The story of my start to the holy month of Ramzan

    and helpless. Helpless because they want to stand up to the bullying, but are very afraid of the verbal attacks on their parents, on their relatives, and other family members. They are afraid of the humiliation, of the subtle ostracism, and the backlash...
  • Khatna: A mother’s pain and a son's search for retribution

    so many. All millennials should exercise the same vengeance. They can’t threaten to destroy our lives like they did to our parents. We hold all the cards here. We shouldn’t be afraid to play our collective strong hand. This article was published in...
  • On The Supreme Court Hearings and The Pro-Khatna FAQs Circulated by Bohras

    the Syedna, the leader of the community) vehemently defend the practice, saying that it’s their right to do it, and that parents don’t need the consent of a 7-year-old girl child to make non-medical changes to her clitoris. They also claim that the...
  • Not all damages are physical. Not everyone religious is morally ethical

    where random men decide how we must lead our lives and what is good for us. What I couldn’t wrap my head around was how parents would let that happen to their own kids. When your daughter is at the peak of her innocence and brimming with nothing but...
  • The Legal Side of Khatna or Female Genital Cutting

    difficult it would become to track it. Furthermore, the law would bring into question the perpetrators of the crime. Is it parents, midwives, community as a whole, or religious leaders? What would be the quantum of punishment? Would the 7-year-old child...
  • I still don’t get why my mom took me there: A Bohra survivor of female genital cutting speaks out

    this in the name of salwaat (or blessings). But they hardly know why they are doing this. When you are a child, your parents and grandparents are people you trust the most. They tell you about not interacting with strangers or not allowing any stranger...
  • My mother thought she was saving me with khafz

    girl willbe sexually promiscuous.” The Sabak or lessons given by the priests and their wives at the mosques, preach to the parents and especially to the mothers that “your daughters will have an extramarital affair or pre-marital sex if you do not do...
  • How Melinda Gates’ Moment of Lift addresses female genital cutting

    own town were being cut. Our book club is made up of mothers who live in an upper middle class, educated area in which all parents want the very best education for girls and boys alike. Most of our members had not realized girls, both Christian and...
  • Voices Series: We should all speak up against female genital cutting

    by doing research on my own. It was never brought up in religious congregations, Sunday school, or in conversations with my parents. I had to bring it up to my mother in order to learn more about it, and I have yet to even speak with my father because I...
  • Voices Series: Why we must break the silence of FGM/C

    done to me was not mutilation. It was mutilation. It was not just cutting. I was mutilated by the people I loved most, my parents, my wonderful, kind and still beloved doctor, and my community. I trusted them to protect me, and they, without meaning to,...
  • Digital advocacy on female genital cutting in the time of COVID-19

    By Miranda Dobson “For many parents in the Bohra community who are thinking about having their daughters undergo female genital cutting, the delay that COVID-19 has caused is likely not a big deal, as it can happen any time from age 7. There is no time...
  • Part II–Medicalising khatna within the Bohra community: A Struggle of Tradition and Modernity

    of the family, fathers are increasingly involved in making the decision. It is no longer an extremely hidden practice, and parents do research before making the decision whether or not to cut their daughters. While some people follow mandates by...
  • Population Council hosts second webinar on FGM/C research

    could be a result of increasing medicalization of FGM/C in Egypt. Another interesting finding was that if either one of the parents, whether it be the mother or the father, does not want their daughter to be cut, then she will not undergo FGM/C. While...
  • Rejection of khatna must be a step in the liberation of Bohra women

    within the family unit where her duty is first and foremost that of caring for her family, especially the husband or parents; giving birth, including ensuring the survival of humanity; nurturing the progeny; and upholding and promoting this culture and...
  • Population Council hosts webinar to discuss ending female genital cutting

    be a result of the increasing medicalization of FGM/C in Egypt. Another interesting finding was that if either one of the parents, whether it be the mother or the father, does not want their daughter to be cut, then she will not undergo FGM/C. While...
  • Using purity as a means to control women through Christianity and female genital cutting

    a marriage was fine, but admitting to having sexual urges was considered not godly (i.e., Christian). Leaders and parents exhibited different attitudes in the way a boy versus a girl would be treated when admitting to participating in sexual acts or...
  • UnChained At Last: The United States’ Child Marriage Problem webinar reflection

    of child marriage, many are unable to understand the multi-layered harms of this practice, and many survivors say their parents forced them into marriages to avoid communal shame from pregnancy or rape. These notions of shame and cultural...
  • Sahiyo’s Book Club to hold second event in February

    of Panchgani, India. Her memoir, A Fractured Life, explores her life growing up in 1960s India after being abandoned by her parents. In her own words, Shabnam says; “We come from a Culture of Silence. A culture that along the way has shrouded us with...

Results 61 - 80 of 112