Assuming voices is required, the following results were found.

  • Utilizing Participatory Storytelling to Educate - A session at APHA 2019

    session at the American Public Health Association’s (APHA) Annual Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to discuss the Voices to End FGM/C project. Participants were able to view a sample of the digital stories created by survivors. They were also...
  • The movement to end FGM/C: Looking back at the 2010s and looking forward in 2020

    campaigns planned. The first among them will be launching next month, in February 2020: Digital Stories from the Global Voices to End FGM/C program. Follow @sahiyovoices on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to stay updated about the movement to end FGC...
  • How Melinda Gates’ Moment of Lift addresses female genital cutting

    own communities, but they will need to be supported by people who understand what a loss they face when they raise their voices. Melinda Gates’ positive message that change is possible when women are given the right support to lift was a hopefulmessage...
  • Unspoken

    my success, They find a way—the thorns life may throw to the next in line, My sweet B. (Naima Dido participated in Sahiyo’s Voices to End FGM/C workshop. You can read her reflection piece here and watch her video below.)
  • How I learned female genital mutilation is happening in India

    community and made the issue part of their poll manifestos. The collective works of these organizations and individual voices can put an end to this practice. There may not be many official records about FGM in India, but that does not mean it is not...
  • Digital advocacy on female genital cutting in the time of COVID-19

    in attendance, and continue to share survivor stories on their social channels through a project with StoryCenter called Voices to End FGM/C. Aarefa shared how Sahiyo India is likely to follow suit. “We had planned to have some community events at this...
  • Khatna within the Bohra community: A Struggle of Tradition and Modernity

    in 2017 and the growing anti-FGM/C movement rising from within the community were important for people to hear different voices around khatna. This in turn, led to a shift in the rationale for the practice. While itwas earlier believed that it controls...
  • How COVID-19 impacts programs devoted to ending gender-based violence, including female genital cutting

    out to Bethel Tadesse for contact information. The webinar ended with an important call to action: keep amplifying the voices of the grassroots organizations working to end FGC and GBV. For more information on how the virus is impacting programs devoted...
  • Understanding the effect of COVID-19 on gender-based violence in Nigeria

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Hidden Scars and Magool have teamed up to offer biweekly webinars that amplify the voices of the grassroots organizations working to protect girls and women at this time. On June 9th, the third installment of the...
  • Protecting the girl child: The need for an anti-FGM law in India 

    of FGM in India. From the surveys conducted on FGM in India, it is apparent that girls and women are willing to raise their voices against FGM, but are prevented many times from doing so due to the fear of expulsion from the community. To ensure...
  • Crave Foundation recognizes Sahiyo co-founder Mariya Taher as 2020 grantee

    said, who is a survivor of FGC. Taher’s work at Sahiyo focuses on storytelling programs and creating a critical mass of voices against FGC to “create a culture in which survivors can heal by connecting” to work toward creating a society where FGC no...
  • Sahiyo Volunteer Spotlight: Programs Intern Cate Cox

    where she is studying International Relations, Economics, and Arabic. She is excited to work with Sahiyo to help uplift the voices of women everywhere. 1) When and how did you first get involved with Sahiyo? I was officially brought on to the Sahiyo...
  • Annual Reports

    this past year, our programs have expanded to support larger numbers of women impacted by female genital cutting. Our Voices to End FGM/C project alone saw the creation of 37 new original digital stories stories. Running since 2017, the program involves...
  • Sahiyo and StoryCenter host virtual storytelling event on the intersection of race and female genital cutting: A reflection

    exposed to the collective healing fostered among survivors and advocates against the practice. As I listened to the many voices of women – and a few men – speaking out against the practice, I felt the strength, resilience, and bravery that empowered...
  • Sahiyo Partner Spotlight: Global Woman P.E.A.C.E. Foundation

    to meet and connect with others in Sahiyo’s circle of advocates, and an opportunity to participate in the popular Voices to End FGM/C storytelling program Sahiyo runs. It was quite an enlightening experience for me. Knowing Mariya and building a...
  • Sahiyo participated in key virtual events with global organizations in October

    listening to personal stories can play in advocacy, and presented a case study of how they have worked with Sahiyo on the Voices to End FGM/C project to position digital storytelling as a key advocacy strategy. A Girl From Mogadishu + Panel on FGM/C On...
  • Reflection on Addressing FGC in the Clinic: A Dialogue between Survivors and Healthcare Professionals

    about how cultural competency and vulnerability are key to providing better care. The juxtaposition between their Voices to End FGM/C videos and their spoken statements on the panel about their past experiences with healthcare professionals was truly...
  • Art, Activism, and Healing webinar: In Conversation Around Female Genital Cutting

    survivors’ healing, Sahiyo is one of the key advocates for utilizing art as a means of supporting these effectors. From the Voices To End FGM/C campaign, the #MoreThanASurvivor collages, and the Faces for Change project, art and activism have long been...
  • PRESS RELEASE: Launching Sahiyo's Newest Program: Bhaiyo: Male Allies United in Ending Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

    step towards engaging with communities, to change social norms and cultural tradition from within. By bringing men’s voices more actively into the conversation, we believe our program will accompany the law by bringing about societal change via dialogue...
  • Four women who were pivotal to the movement to end female genital cutting

    end female genital cutting (FGC) has been in effect starting as far back as the latter half of the 19th century through the voices, writing, and research of women who have worked for the rights of women and girls. FGC is present in 92 countries. In...

Results 181 - 200 of 305