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Connecticut Governor and Lieutenant Governor officially recognize International Day of Zero Tolerance of FGM/C

Sahiyo and the Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C are so very pleased that Governor Ned Lamont issued an official proclamation, and Lieutenant Governor Susan Bysiewicz issued an official citation, both recognizing Feb 6th as Day of Zero Tolerance of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in the state of Connecticut.

Language for the Governor's proclamation can be found below:

Day of Zero Tolerance of FGMC Feb 2023 rotated 11024 1


Language for the Lieutenant Governor's citation can be found below:

Lt Gov Citation

Reflecting on Sahiyo’s Healing as Activism Campaign

This past month, Sahiyo hosted a social media campaign, ‘Healing as Activism’, to honor the 16 Days of Activism to End Gender Based Violence. From November 25th to December 10th, we shared the stories of FGC survivors in their journey towards healing. We received 16 submissions from survivors located around the world, and they shared their journey in various formats, including videos and blogs. We also highlighted a recent Dear Maasi blog exploring the role of confronting the person who cut you. Overall, the goal of this campaign was to break the stigma around discussions of mental health that often impact survivors' abilities to heal by amplifying stories of those who are on the journey towards healing. To learn more, follow us @SahiyoVoices across social media platforms!  

Read blogs from the Healing as Activism Campaign here.

CWCSEO issues press release on International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM/C

February 6th is the International Day of Zero Tolerance of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, a day designed to promote the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting by 2030 through efforts to engage whole communities and focus on human rights, gender equality and attention to the needs of women and girls who suffer from its consequences. The United Nations calls on the global community to reimagine a world that enables girls and women to have voice, choice, and control over their own lives.

Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting is the altering or injuring or removal of the female genitalia for non-medical reasons to control a girl’s sexuality and make her acceptable for marriage and to the community in which she lives. It is usually performed on young girls between the ages of birth and puberty. It is an extreme form of gender-based violence that is recognized as a human rights violation and a form of torture.

The Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity (CWCSEO) of the General Assembly along with the CT Coalition To End FGM/C (survivor-led coalition) are working on building holistic solutions to support survivors and prevent future generations of girls in the State of Connecticut from experiencing FGM/C. We are working with a diverse coalition of stakeholders, advocating for comprehensive legislation that will help protect girls from FGM/C, provide survivors with support services, raise awareness of the harm FGM/C causes, and educate frontline professionals on how to provide culturally specific and sensitive care.

"While the State of Connecticut has a robust community of advocates and people with lived experience working to end this form of gender-based violence, the state has been an outlier in its silence among its neighbors and in the nation. This comprehensive legislation would ensure that CT join our sister states in protecting children from
harm." Steven Hernández, Executive Director of the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity.

"As a long time, Connecticut resident, I am heartened by Governor Lamont's proclamation about International Day of Zero Tolerance of FGM/C as it sends the message that a harmful cultural practice that people think only happens far away from here, is actually occurring in our state. This acknowledgement is the first step in eliminating this practice. I look forward to strong support of the bill to end FGM/C and protect parents and their daughters from the pressure to cut and be cut." Zehra Patwa, FGM/C Activist/Survivor and Co-founder of WeSpeakOut and member of the Coalition.

About the CWCSEO: The Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity under Sec. 105. Section 2-127 of the Connecticut General Statutes to focus on issues affecting each of the following underrepresented and underserved populations: Women, children and the family, elderly persons, African American, Asian Pacific Americans, and Latinos and Puerto Ricans. Focus its efforts and quality of life to the above-mentioned populations to assure that all are healthy, safe and achieve educational success; free from poverty; and free from discrimination. As a non-partisan arm of the General Assembly, the commission monitors, critiques and recommends changes to legislation. As a non-partisan arm of the General Assembly, the agency monitors, critiques and recommends changes to legislation. The commission serves as a liaison between government and its diverse constituents, and convenes stakeholders, including the business, non-profit and educational communities, local governments, and the media, to promote awareness.

View the official press release here.

Sahiyo releases July 2021-June 2022 Annual Report

We’re excited to release our July 2021 to June 2022 Annual Report and hope you’ll take the time to learn more about how we’ve been working to end female genital cutting (FGC). 

Over the past year at Sahiyo, we expanded our programs with the support of our staff, interns, volunteers, and Advisory Board. 

  • Our survivor-story-centered blog has grown and we launched a new column called Scenarios by Sahiyo that features comic strips based on real-life stories by activists, advocates, and allies working to end FGC. 

  • We hosted our 6th Voices to End FGM/C workshop with 9 participants, bringing the total number of videos created by the program to 55 participants from over 19 countries. Collectively, these videos have been viewed over 45,000 times! We are currently hosting our 7th workshop.

  • We also launched a new website where you can learn more about the Voices to End FGM/C digital storytelling project at

  • We held our 5th annual U.S Bohra Activist Retreat with 13 participants, bringing the total number of advocates trained by Sahiyo to 74! 

  • Our Bhaiyo program has continued to grow, and we now have 15 Bhaiyos working with us to empower men to become engaged in the world to abandon FGC. 

We’re proud to share our accomplishments from this past year with you all and certainly hope you’ll take a look at our Annual Report to learn more about what our amazing team at Sahiyo has accomplished together!

The hearing for Washington Senate Bill 5453 concerning female genital mutilation/cutting

On Monday, January 30th at 10:30am PST, SB 5453 concerning female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) will be called for a hearing by the Washington state Law and Justice Committee. The bill, which was only introduced on January 18th, aims to: create a private right of action for survivors of FGM/C; prohibit providers from performing FGM/C on a minor; establish education and outreach initiatives to prevent FGM/C; provide care for victims and families of FGM/C.

If you live in Washington or have expertise on FGM/C, here are ways to voice support for the passage of legislation:

  1. Provide oral testimony during the hearing either in-person or virtually by signing up here
  2. Submit written testimony with this link. Please note that written testimony is due within 24 hours after the hearing.
  3. Vote in support of the bill without providing any oral or written testimony here.
  4. Sign this petition created by Abid and Maryum Saifee (this can be done in combination with any of the other options).

For more information, take a look at the Washington Coalition’s factsheet to learn more about this bill and its significance.


Statement from the Washington Coalition:

We are a newly formed Coalition working to end the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) in the State of Washington. We comprise a broad group of survivors, stakeholders and advocates. Forty US States have laws banning the practice of FGM/C. Washington has yet to address this important human rights issue in any manner. This proposed legislation SB 5453 under review today is a good first step towards ending the practice and supporting survivors in Washington State.


Review the Washington Coalition’s factsheet to learn more about this bill and its significance. Additionally, in case you missed the hearing, click here to watch! 

Sahiyo hosts workshop on FGC and storytelling for Nomad Travelers

For nearly the whole month of November, Sahiyo's co-founder and U.S. Executive Director Mariya Taher was in Panama with the Noma Collective, a community of remote working professionals. On November 10th, she hosted a workshop for the community to help raise awareness on the topic of female genital cutting (FGC), which many individuals were unaware of. The workshop provided an overview of storytelling’s impact in forming connections and creating social change, specifically in how Sahiyo uses storytelling as an intervention to support survivors of FGC. Participants were also given a general overview of FGC, the forms of FGC and their impacts, and the reasons and justifications given for the continuation of the harmful practice. At the end of the workshop, participants were given a chance to practice storytelling techniques used in Sahiyo programs through writing prompts and exercises, which focused on turning their travel experiences into meaningful stories. 

To learn more about Sahiyo's community education and outreach program, visit our website

Sahiyo is now on Tik Tok!

Tik Tok presents a new way to engage with an audience and educate others, which is why we are excited to bring Sahiyo to this platform! We will share valuable, inspiring, and educational content to raise awareness about female genital cutting (FGC), as well as uplift survivors’ stories, with the hopes of reaching many more people with potential for becoming supporters and advocating for our cause!

Check out our first two videos about what FGC is and FGC in the United States.

Follow and connect with us @sahiyovoices.

Sahiyo begins seventh Voices to End FGM/C Workshop 

In collaboration with StoryCenter and Asian Women’s Shelter (AWS), Sahiyo began the seventh Voices to End FGM/C workshop on October 24th. This first meeting was held with participants from across the United States. The Voices to End FGM/C project is a digital storytelling workshop that aims to mobilize a critical mass of storytellers and activists by bringing them together to share and heal from female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), connect and grow as leaders, and create short videos calling for an end to this harmful practice. To date, over  64 people from across 19 countries have taken part. 

To learn more, check out our new website: 


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