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Upcoming conference on ending FGM/C in Canada

On February 6th & 7th, the End FGM Canada Network will be hosting a conference, Taking Action on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Canada & Beyond. This conference aims to observe February 6th, The International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, through two days of collective action.

Sahiyo U.S. Executive Director Mariya Taher will be a panelist for the fourth session: Survivors Voices: A Panel Discussion on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting for Survivors on Feb 7th at 10 am EST

The Network invites participants to join in taking a deep dive into the issue of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) and develop the understanding and skills needed to support FGM/C survivors and contribute to Canada's anti-FGM/C movement.

Learn more about the conference here.

Sahiyo staff spotlight: Editorial Assistant Megan Seaver

Megan Seaver is an undergraduate student at Emmanuel College, pursuing a bachelor’s degree in writing, editing, and publishing, as well as minors in political science and gender studies. Throughout college she has been a part of student organizations, Her Campus and WGS, that help women to speak their truth and to support one another. She believes that being open to hearing the stories and experiences of all women will make it easier to create a safer and more accepting world for all people.

When and how did you first get involved with Sahiyo?

I first found out about Sahiyo while searching for a summer internship online during my junior year of college. I knew I wanted to do something that would have a positive impact on people's lives, while also fulfilling my passions for writing and storytelling. I was immediately drawn to the position of Editorial Intern, which was described as working to help share survivors stories on the blog. Once in the position, I began supporting the blog and conducting outreach with survivors as well as Sahiyo’s volunteers to help share their stories.

What was it like transitioning from Editorial Intern to Editorial Assistant?

The biggest change for me was being more involved with the process of interviewing survivors. As an intern, I had mostly worked with transcripts from previously conducted interviews with survivors and activists, and used these to write up blogs. As Editorial Assistant, I was tasked with conducting interviews myself, in addition to writing up the blogs. At first I definitely felt apprehensive about the interviewing process, mostly because I wanted to make sure that the survivors felt comfortable and supported during the interview, and I didn’t want to let them down. However, after conducting a few interviews with the help of Editorial Coordinator Rachel Wine, as well as doing some on my own, I began to feel more and more confident in my ability to conduct the interviews in a successful and supportive way.

Interviewing also increased my knowledge and understanding of FGC as a whole, and has left me feeling more willing to speak and write on the topic for my work at Sahiyo, but also in my personal life. FGC wasn’t something that was talked about in my own family and friend groups, or even in my academic settings. FGC is also not something that is widely known about in the United States, even though the practice occurs here. I think that time spent at Sahiyo has opened me up speaking more on topics and issues that I feel strongly about, including FGC, and that confidence has only grown as I have transitioned into being the Editorial Assistant. 

What else does your work with Sahiyo include?

A major category of my work falls into creating Sahiyo’s monthly newsletter. Every month, Sahiyo puts out a newsletter highlighting upcoming events, survivor stories, and reflections from past events. This work is a team effort, with members from Sahiyo’s staff writing information and reflections, and members of Sahiyo’s communities contributing as well. The newsletter also gives us a chance to highlight Sahiyo’s team members, who help write the introduction for the newsletter and contribute spotlights about their work. Creating the newsletter over the past three months has allowed me to hone my editing and writing skills, while also supporting all facets of Sahiyo’s work.

How has your involvement with Sahiyo impacted your life?

Sahiyo has impacted my life in numerous ways. Before my internship, I didn’t have an extensive knowledge of FGC, and the effects that the practice had on the lives of survivors. I’ve always been passionate about supporting women's voices and stories, but there was definitely a learning curve before I felt it was appropriate for me to speak and write about FGC. I also feel that speaking with survivors has further instilled my belief that there is no such thing as a “woman's problem”; a woman's problem is a problem for everyone in society. The mission to end FGC requires support from all kinds of people, and the more people that are educated about the topic, particularly in the U.S. where the practice is not widely known but does occur, the more people who will choose to stand up and join the campaign to end FGC.

From a professional standpoint, interning and now working for Sahiyo is my first step into the working world. It's the first chance I've had to apply the skills and tools I’ve been developing in my college years and put them into action. Transitioning from Editorial Intern to Editorial Assistant has definitely come with more responsibilities, but being able to facilitate tasks such as the newsletter and interviews successfully has helped to boost my confidence and recognize that my skills and ideas are valuable. I am extremely grateful to the Editorial team, and the Sahiyo team as whole for supporting me and helping me learn.

What words of wisdom would you like to share with others who may be interested in supporting Sahiyo and the movement against FGC?

I would say that even if you don't know a lot about FGC, but you feel empowered to help the movement, the best way to learn is by jumping in feet first. Sahiyo is an incredibly supportive and welcoming environment, and hosts numerous programs and training about FGC trauma and care throughout the year. I would also encourage people to speak about FGC to their friends and family after educating themselves; working on spreading awareness is one of the best ways to educate others on the practice.

Secrecy leads to the continuation of FGC in families and communities

By Megan Seaver

Bakhan is an activist and advocate against female genital cutting (FGC), and she is passionate about educating young girls on the topic. Bakhan also works as a Project Supervisor for Wadi, an organization promoting self-help programs in the Middle East such as monitoring and lobbying for citizen rights: rehabilitation projects for long-term prisoners, literacy programs, education and training for women, public awareness of and ending domestic violence as well as campaigns against FGC. Bakhan specifically assists in the organization’s programs to protect girls from FGC. 

I had the honor of interviewing Bakhan about her work and what inspired to get involved in work to end FGC. 

I came to know FGC very late in my life, because I graduated college and I was searching for a job. So I was searching for a position as an English translator, and I came across this German organization called Wadi and they were working on FGC. I remember the first week when I was starting [at Wadi] and hearing about FGC and thinking I had never heard of it happening in my own community. It was really shocking for me to hear something like that.”

“I started thinking about whether I had friends or family members that had gone through FGC without me knowing. I began asking people in my family and other people I knew if they had gone through the practice. And I learned that a lot of people in my life and my family and friends had undergone FGC.”

“I learned that two of my cousins were mutilated. I remember being super young and we were in our grandmother's house and two of my cousins went somewhere and came back and then I saw them go into another room and heard them giggling and I thought I was like an outcast. I was separated from them for some reason.”

“I asked my mom about what happened to my cousins and how come it didn't happen to me? She said your dad didn't let them, he said that no one will hurt my girls.”

“I was fortunate to have someone in my life and my family to protect me, but at the same time I was feeling very bad for my cousins.”

Bakhan was the first of her family to not undergo the practice. Instead, she bore witness to her  mother talking about her own experiences with FGC. 

“She said ‘I'm also mutilated,’ and I asked her ‘how do you feel?' She said ‘I don't think about it because it's so common.’”

Learning about her family's history with the practice inspired Bakhan to dive deeper into her activism work. 

“The more I worked [to end FGC], the more I realized how unaware society is about the practice and how dangerous that can be.”

“I have been working with Wadi for six years now, and I still believe that there will never be a point where I am not shocked by the stories I hear from survivors. We also do field visits and we go to the villages where FGC is still practiced, because in that society, especially in the cities, it’s not as common.”

When I asked Bakhan about the impact of those visits, she told me of how deeply rooted the practice can be in the social norms of the communities.

“I sit and talk with people and they still totally believe in the practice and they are proud of it and they are thinking of mutilating their daughters.”

“My last experience with a field visit was a month ago. We went to a rural area and we were doing our normal seminars and there was a very young girl, almost the same age as me and she had a daughter and we were talking about FGC. At the end I asked her ‘do you still believe in FGM’ because I assumed that after the conversation we had that she wouldn’t. But she was so firm on her beliefs that FGC is good and should be done.”

“If you stop working, the practice resurfaces. We always try to go back to those places after a couple of months or a year. We go back in order to find out whether they are doing it again or not. And sometimes we go there again, and they say they’ve stopped doing FGC because there was an organization coming and they knew it was us.”

[These conversations with villagers tend] to not be immediately welcoming because this is a sensitive topic. So we always make sure when we go that we don't start with FGC. We try to talk about something related to it like other health issues.”

Bakhan also spoke about the importance of involving community leaders, particularly men in the work against FGC, since they have more decision making influence in these societies.

“We forget about the male position in this. Most of the time in our community men do not know about FGC. They are completely unaware of it and when you have a victim of FGC and they get married to a man and the man is dealing with a trauma which he does not understand, which creates issues within marriages. So we need to open the conversation to men.”

In looking to the future, I thought it was important to ask Bakhan what advice she would give to her younger self and other girls. She said:

“I want people to question more. I never asked why this is happening. Curiosity is something good to have. I think this is one of the things young people should always ask why things are happening, and I think that's advice for myself, don't go with the flow, ask questions. Know what you are getting yourself into.”

Volunteer Spotlight: Development & Programs Intern Tanya Samyak

Tanya Samyak is a junior at Simmons University majoring in Political Science and Economics. She is passionate about learning and working about preventing gender based violence and discrimination in the human rights space. She is excited to work with Sahiyo and contribute towards various interesting educational and awareness programs.

What was your experience of learning about female genital cutting (FGC) for the first time like?

I remember my first exposure to learning about FGC was in a classroom setting at my University. I felt a sense of loss by the fact that this practice was so widespread and that generations continued it after enduring the harm themselves. I was also very sad for the survivors who have to face the aftermath of this practice, which was done without their consent

When and how did you first get involved with Sahiyo?

I got to know about Sahiyo from a senior at my college, Catherine Cox, who was Sahiyo’s Programs Coordinator for several years. She encouraged me to apply for the internship. I became involved with Sahiyo as an Events and Programs intern in September 2023.

What does your work with Sahiyo involve?

As an Events and Program Intern, I support Sahiyo’s various programs and initiatives, including developing educational and informative blog posts and reflection pieces about FGC. I assist with outreach and community engagement programs like Voices to End FGM/C. I am also very excited to organize and  coordinate the logistics of an upcoming webinar that will foster discussion on the topic of community engagement with regards to preventing the practice of FGC.

How has your involvement with Sahiyo impacted your life?

I think Sahiyo has contributed greatly to my professional life. I have learned to be a team player, strengthened my communication skills, and grown in my attention to detail as I have carried out the work that I do here.

What words of wisdom would you like to share with others who may be interested in supporting Sahiyo and the movement against FGC?

Firstly, I would like to appreciate their interest in working for this great cause. FGC is a very important but underrepresented issue. Not a lot of people are aware of this form of gender-based violence, so I would appreciate their motivation and interest in joining this movement and supporting Sahiyo. I would advise them to enjoy the work they are doing, and find joy in being part of a community filled with people who are working for the same mission.

A Plan in Action: Reflecting on the 2023 Peer-to-Peer National ARP Convening

By Umme Kulsoom Arif

This past October, I had the privilege of traveling to Washington DC and meeting with Samman Masud, Sahiyo’s Community Engagement Coordinator. Both of us attended the 2023 Peer-to-Peer National American Rescue Plan (ARP) Convening as representatives of Sahiyo, one of over 40 non-profit organizations granted awards as part of the ARP Support for Survivors Program.

Without hyperbole, it was magnificent.

The work to end gender-based violence in our many communities is a monumental task. There are too many days where I think of it in the same way I think of Sisyphus pushing his boulder up the hill, only to have it roll back down the moment he gets close to completion — neverending. This frustration was echoed in the stories of hardship shared by representatives of the various non-profit organizations seeking to serve and support their communities.

And yet, here we are. Pushing that boulder. Doing the work, because the work needs to be done.

Culturally specific communities are just that — culturally specific, each one with unique traditions and unique needs. Over the course of the three day conference, speakers emphasized the need to invest in organizations that understand the communities they serve, in providing grassroots organizations the space and financial support they need to do the work that must be done.

For Sahiyo, the ARP grant provides the opportunity to expand our annual Activists Retreat, that annual opportunity for survivors and activists to come together for community, companionship, and healing. These retreats serve as an essential part of Sahiyo’s activism—and our self-care. Activism, as I once emphasized before, is work. Occasionally lonely work, as one finds themselves at risk of being ostracized by their communities for speaking up and speaking out. In this way, the ARP grant allows Sahiyo the opportunity to empower survivors and activists by providing retreat attendees the space to talk about their experiences and the tools to educate, to have meaningful conversations in their communities.

It is Sisyphean work sometimes — these conversations must happen more than once, the violence cannot be stopped in a single day. As we watch another khatna-related prosecution begin, this time in Texas, I wonder just how many volunteers and activists are waiting to see if the 2018 prosecution in Michigan will repeat itself? 

To me, the beauty of the 2023 ARP Convening was in the stories, both in sorrow and in triumph. Speakers from the Asian-Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence, Ujima, National Organization of Asians and Pacific Islanders Ending Sexual Violence, and the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center — as well as the sub-grantees of all of these organizations — spoke candidly of how they also struggled when trying to advocate for their communities, about the need for support from government grants that also allowed them to do the work in a manner that worked for them. Most critically, the speakers emphasized the need for advocates to work together to uplift and support other non-profit organizations.

There is still a lot of work to be done to end gender-based violence, both in acknowledging its existence in various communities and in changing the cultural mores that perpetuate it. The hill we climb feels steep, but the boulder we push up that hill is not one we have to shoulder alone. 

I look forward to the day we best Sisyphus and crest that hill, for a future free from violence. If not for me, then for those who will live in the world I leave behind.

Research Survey for Study on Clitoral Reconstructive Surgery in Canada

This survey is part of a study to better understand the interests, motivations, and expectations of survivors of female genital cutting (FGC) in electing to undergo clitoral reconstructive surgery (CRS) in Canada. The aims of the research are the following:

  • To develop a greater understanding of survivors’ interests, motivations, and/or expectations in electing to undergo clitoral reconstructive surgery
  • To identify how well a survivor’s surgical outcomes meet their initial expectations
  • To improve the referral process for survivors who wish to undergo clitoral reconstructive surgery
  • To highlight the importance of quality care for survivors in Canada

This survey is open to survivors who have undergone clitoral reconstructive surgery (CRS), survivors who have not yet undergone the procedure but are interested in doing so, and survivors who have chosen not to undergo CRS. The survey is split into several sections: demographics, interest in CRS, and experience with CRS. The questions are  asked in multiple choice format, some ranking, and a few open-ended questions. The estimated time to complete the survey is about 10 minutes.

The survey will be  open until May 2024. All  responses will be strictly confidential. To learn more about this study, please contact the principal investigator, Kiah Leone, from the School of Health Sciences at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. To take part in the survey, please click here or scan the QR code below.



Insights from Sahiyo and TightLipped's Collaborative Webinar

On December 6th, Sahiyo and Tight Lipped co-hosted an empowering webinar titled, "Pain, Stigma, and Sexual Health: Healing Through Storytelling.” The event shed light on the different aspects of healing through candid and intimate accounts from our speakers.

Each speaker fearlessly shared their personal narratives, revealing the complexities of navigating chronic vulvovaginal and pelvic pain conditions and the intricacies of relationships with healthcare providers, partners, and broader societal stigmas. Notably, one of the speakers, a women’s rights activist, mentioned how her personal health experiences led her to channel her energy toward advocating to end the practice of FGC in India, bringing an important angle to our conversation around sexual health.

Heartfelt moments emerged in this virtual space, as attendees expressed gratitude for the safe and inclusive environment created by the speakers and moderators. Sentiments such as "Your story makes me feel less alone" and “This was very helpful and feels so good to hear others” really underscored the significance of creating a space for shared narratives and discussions.

A sincere thank you to everyone who contributed to making this webinar a deeply enriching and supportive experience.Your openness, engagement, and willingness to embrace these conversations helps us foster connections and understanding.

Passion, Purpose, Party: My take on Sahiyo's Activists Retreat

By Lubaina Plumber

I remember being 21-years-old, a wide-eyed, aspiring human rights lawyer in Bombay (Mumbai for those who don’t properly identify with the ethos and pulse of the city that never sleeps) when I first stumbled upon, completely accidentally, the grave violation of female genital cutting (FGC). Suddenly, it all came rushing back to me. The event, the place, the people, the gross invasion of my body, my privacy and my rights. I froze in time to realize that this was not just a human rights issue I was researching for a work project, but also something I had survived as a meek 8-year-old child. 

Through this enlightenment came my connection to Sahiyo. Whilst all concerns around the protection and rights of human beings were within my realm of redressal, I knew at that moment that FGC was personal and  a cause I felt deeply triggered by. This harmful practice angered me not only for every single person who endured it, but also for myself and my own experience. Once something becomes personal to you, it is seldom something you can let go of. Advocating against FGC and creating safe spaces for survivors and allies to engage in open dialogue and sharing became a primary focus for me, ultimately leading me to finally attend the Sahiyo in-person Activists Retreat in 2023. My activism and journey came full circle when I sat around the beautiful living room of a fellow Sahiyo member who graciously hosted a group of passionate, remarkable people in her home. 

The moment I landed in Atlanta, I remember feeling slightly nervous. I had just immigrated to the United States six months prior and this was my first interaction with a group outside of my small workplace. I felt I was venturing out in an unfamiliar country to discuss deeply personal things. After spending three glorious days with the other participants, I can say I have now found people that feel as familiar as my own (brb, wiping tears).

I’d be lying if I said I did not thoroughly enjoy the delicious meals, warm hospitality, and thoughtful welcome package/goodie bags as well. But what stood out most were the conversations I had with everybody present, about FGC and about everything else just the same. The Retreat was extremely well-planned and executed even better. I am a staunch proponent of open, authentic, non-judgemental spaces, and the Activists Retreat delivered on all fronts: confidentiality, comfort, and thoughtful sharing. I assumed I knew everything about FGC, given my extensive preoccupation with the issue, but I gleaned SO MUCH from this experience. The toolkits, guest speakers, group activities, and personal anecdotes of others were tremendously enlightening; they helped keep me apprised of the global discourse on FGC. I felt I was not alone in this peculiar world, feeling intensely passionate about issues important to me; there are other kindred souls out there too. The sense of sisterhood, profound empathy, and unadulterated opportunity to be vulnerable is what I will cherish for a long time to come. 

I am hopeful for the future. For myself and millions of affected individuals needing a platform, a team, an understanding ear, and tangible redressal measures. I discovered I could visit an OBGYN in the United States and share that I underwent cutting, inquiring exactly how my body differs. This notion would not have even crossed my mind before attending the Activists Retreat. I have become even more vocal, forthcoming, and resolved in my mission to mitigate FGC. I have initiated difficult dialogues, broaching the subject with adequate context. I have learned to be patient with ignorance (still letting out the odd sigh and eye roll), gentle yet assertive with the uninformed, and fierce with those who willfully endorse these violations against people/children with or without family consent. I do not take no for an answer when it comes to educating somebody on FGC and that courage has grown knowing there is a whole community who will back me up with loving reinforcement when I need that gentle push. Thank you team Sahiyo for including me in your passion, purpose and party! SEE YOU AGAIN NEXT YEAR :)

Learn more about Sahiyo’s Activists Retreat here.



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