Breaking the Silence: A Conversation with My Father About FGM/C

By: Sharlon Bolos 

My father, a Filipino immigrant, was raised in a world where survival was paramount. He never had the opportunity to delve into the complexities of gender inequality. However, I believed it was essential to break the silence and initiate a conversation with him about a topic that is often shrouded in taboo: female genital cutting (FGC).

Approaching my father about FGM/C was not an easy task. Growing up, discussions about sensitive topics like this were scarce in our household. Yet, I knew that in order to foster understanding and promote change, I needed to create a space where we could comfortably engage in an open conversation.

The opportunity finally presented itself one evening as we sat down to watch TV as we always do. I mustered up the courage to broach the subject, fully aware of the discomfort it might bring. Taking a deep breath, I gently introduced the topic, highlighting its prevalence in certain communities and the harmful effects it has on women and girls.

At first, my father seemed taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation. His brows furrowed, indicating his apprehension. However, as I continued, he showed the willingness to engage in conversation and deepen his understanding.

To my surprise, he expressed genuine concern for the well-being of women and girls affected by FGC, acknowledging the need for collective action to end this form of gender-based violence. This, in a sense, marked the beginning of a journey towards greater awareness and empathy. My father may not have fully grasped the complexities of gender inequality overnight, but our dialogue opened the door to ongoing discussions and reflection that we may want to explore in the future.

In breaking the silence surrounding FGM/C, we pave the way for meaningful change and create a more inclusive and equitable society for future generations. I hope that through continued conversations and advocacy, my father and I in our own ways can work toward ending this harmful practice once and for all.

In honor of Father’s Day 2024, Sahiyo’s male engagement program, Bhaiyo, has launched a month-long public awareness campaign to uplift the importance of male voices and allies in ending FGC. Throughout the month of June, we’ll be asking community members to share how they have raised the topic of FGC in conversation with men in their lives. If you would like to contribute, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
