Headline: Understanding the Critical Intersections of FGM/C with other social injustices:  Encouraging dialogue on cross-movement collaboration

Headline: Understanding the Critical Intersections of FGM/C with other social injustices: Encouraging dialogue on cross-movement collaboration

In April, Sahiyo’s research team gave two presentations exploring data from our advocate and survivor-led Critical Intersections Research Project, the latest report from this project having been released in February 2024.

On April 23rd, Sahiyo presented Critical Intersections of FGM/C: The Value of Intersectionality in Cross-Collaboration in conjunction with API-GBV to attendees belonging to various gender-based violence organizations. This presentation fostered lively conversations around intersectionality and cross-collaboration, with one attendee asking about potential collaborations between the anti-FGM/C sphere and those working to end human trafficking. Overall, attendees reflected upon the interconnectedness of their various foci according to intersectionality.  

The second presentation, on April 24th, was in collaboration with the World Bank Group’s FGM Legal Working Group. Critical Intersections of FGM/C: Law and Policy in Systems of Oppression found attendees drawing on their current work, and how to interconnect to the issue of FGM/C. Concrete ideas emerged as to how to build cross-collaboration, including one participant emphasizing the simple action of referencing FGM/C in proposals to uplift the interconnection of the issue with other reproductive health and/or gender-based violence work.

Our interactive presentations support organizations to engage in the following:

  • To build holistic programs that identify intersectional needs of FGM/C survivors
  • To identify components of building successful collaborations across organizations focused on different social oppressions (i.e. systemic racism and FGM/C)
  • To compile tools, resources, case studies, and more that illustrate how cross-collaboration can be carried out within the larger social justice field 

If you and your organization would like to schedule a presentation or workshop, reach out to Rachel Wine at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also learn more by visiting Sahiyo.org