Last Day of Each One Reach One

Last Day of Each One Reach One

Each One Reach One, a unique campaign by Sahiyo (in collaboration with Speak Out on FGM), started a month back on NO FGC/M day, has almost come to an end. Today, on the International Women’s day, Sahiyo concludes the last day of the EORO campaign.

The road to change is a long one but we are glad to have made a start by initiating a conversation and breaking silence on Khatna. And for this we have you to thank, for engaging with the campaign and sharing your stories and narratives with us!

Sahiyo is overwhelmed by the response the campaign has garnered and we hope to hear more from you. Please do continue to reach out to as many people as possible and sharing your stories with us.

For reaching out to us, please email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are looking forward to hearing about your Each One Reach One experience and more!