Sahiyo U.S Executive Director Mariya Taher receives the 2024 Champion of Change Award

On October 5th, 2024, Sahiyo U.S. Executive Director Mariya Taher received the 2024 Champion of Change Award, during the annual Asian Women’s Shelter’s (AWS) gala, “Hope and Action: Celebrating 36 Years of The Asian Women's Shelter” in San Francisco. This award is given to individuals working to end gender-based violence in their communities and in the world. 

As the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Sahiyo U.S., Mariya has played a key role in the movement to end FGC. Her work with state coalitions has influenced legislation, culminating in anti-FGC laws passed across the U.S., including in Massachusetts and Washington. She has brought the issue to the forefront of public discourse, raising awareness of FGC in the U.S. and abroad through outreach, training, and educational programs. 

"Receiving this recognition from the Asian Women's Shelter at their annual gala is a huge deal for me. I was a volunteer with AWS after I graduated from my Master of Social Work program at San Francisco State University in 2010.” Mariya said, “Over the years, both my life and my work have kept me in touch with their organization in many ways. For the past 3 years, I’ve been working with AWS and Amy Hill, at Silence Speaks, to bolster our Voices to End FGM/C digital storytelling project in culturally specific ways, which has been such a gift. Who knew that years after volunteering with them we'd still be working together and building up the capacity of care for survivors of FGM/C in the U.S."

The Voices to End FGM/C program has been transformational, bringing survivors together in a safe space to tell their stories, heal, and connect. The only way we can create effective change is by having survivors at the table telling us what they need and how they want to see this practice end. Mariya’s work has done all of this and so much more, and all of us here at Sahiyo are thrilled to see her receive this remarkable award.