Self-love to Sunera

Portuguese/English Version

O Amor-próprio é
voltar à tua infância, 
e enfrentar os monstros na cara.
É dizer em alto e bom som,
já basta.
É fazer das tuas entranhas,
poesia deliberada.
É permitir-te existir sem atalhos,
nem rimas que outros compõem para ti. 

Self-love is the first step
to collective-love.
We need them both.
The self- without -love,
is empty.
While -love without self-
is meant to be revolutionary,
is enhancing one's spiritual growth.

O amor-próprio practica-se com autocuidado,
e cuidados colectivos.
Desejo pois muitos cuidados ao mundo!
Que os cuidados sejam políticos para não serem misericordiosos, caritativos, acomodados,
selectivos, utilitaristas, interesseiros ou indulgentes.
Que os cuidados sejam mútuos, recíprocos, comunitários, universais, deliberados, imparciais,
incondicionais e solidários! 

"Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of poltical warfare". (Audre Lorde)


English version

Self-love is
going back to your childhood,
and facing the monsters in the face.
It's saying it loud and clear,
It is to make of your entrails,
deliberate poetry.
It's allowing yourself to exist without shortcuts,
nor rhymes that others compose for you.

Self-love is the first step
to collective-love.
We need them both.
The self-without-love,
is empty.
While -love without self-
is meant to be revolutionary,
is enhancing ones spiritual growth.

Self-love is practiced with self-care,
and collective care.
I therefore wish us all much collective care!
Care should be political not to be merciful, charitable, accommodating,
selective, utilitarian, self-serving or indulgent.
May care be mutual, reciprocal, communal, universal, deliberate, impartial,
unconditional and supportive!