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End the year with a donation to Sahiyo 💝

As 2023 comes to an end, we want to take a moment to thank you for all your kindness and support. We’ve made great progress educating communities on the harms of female genital cutting (FGC) and supporting survivors to heal. 

We need your help to reach our goal of raising $5,000 by the end of the year. Every dollar counts. A gift of just $25 can make a difference for survivors of FGC and prevent it for future generations.

When you make a donation to Sahiyo, you’re committing to support our mission to empower Asian and other communities to end FGC. You help create positive social change through dialogue, education, and collaboration based on community involvement.

Thank you for your support!

FGC 101 Training for Volunteers at Asian Women's Shelter

As part of Sahiyo’s long-standing collaboration with the Asian Women's Shelter (AWS), a training session was held on October 28th to empower incoming volunteers. The training aimed to equip AWS’s dedicated volunteers with essential knowledge and foundational skills for understanding the pressing issue of female genital cutting (FGC), both globally and within their communities in the United States.

The training was not about transforming volunteers into experts, but rather about creating a safe and nurturing space for learning and dialogue; Sahiyo and AWS recognize the importance of both fostering an environment where volunteers feel encouraged to learn more about FGC, and providing them with resources to continue the conversation in their communities. 

Throughout the presentation, an atmosphere of open dialogue prevailed. Volunteers actively engaged in the session, asking numerous questions and reflecting on the content. This dynamic exchange of ideas and information is crucial in breaking the silence that often shrouds FGC. By asking questions and reflecting on the material, the volunteers are taking first steps in becoming advocates for survivors and being able to raise awareness in their communities.

The partnership between Sahiyo and AWS is not only about knowledge transfer, but also about building a strong foundation of empathy, understanding, and support. We believe in the power of collective learning and collaboration, and will continue our commitment to empowering voices, strengthening communities, and ending the cycle of silence surrounding FGC.

My time at the 2023 Peer-to-Peer National ARP Convening

In October 2023, Sahiyo’s Community Engagement Coordinator Samman Masud as well as long-time Sahiyo volunteer and Activists Retreat planning committee member Umme Kulsoom Arif attended the 2023 Peer-to-Peer National American Rescue Plan (ARP) Convening in Washington D.C. 

The three-day convention welcomed representatives from over 40 non-profit organizations throughout the U.S. to join other grantees of the ARP Support for Survivors Program. Sahiyo U.S. was awarded as one of the subgrantees in April 2023 to build out its promising Activists Retreat program. A sub-grant under the 2021 American Rescue Plan Grant, the ARP Support for Survivors Program caters to culturally-specific, community-based projects for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault from Asian and Pacific Islander (API) Communities in the U.S. and the Pacific. 

Leadership from various organizations led plenary sessions to address accomplishments and challenges involved in survivor-centered relief work for under-served and underrepresented communities of color impacted by gender-based violence. In addition to attending presentations and workshops, Sahiyo representatives received opportunities to network with other organizations through a variety of events including a cultural evening, an interactive Indian dance performance, a Paraguayan bottle dance, and a Native American closing ceremony to conclude the gathering.

“The ARP convention was an eye-opening experience. I listened to speakers from the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, the Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence, SCESA, and Ujima, among many others. I understood the impact of investment in organizations that seek to address the very unique needs of communities of color impacted by gender-based violence. Already vulnerable due to the intersecting systems of violence and power structures that continue to marginalize communities of color in the U.S., survivors often need culturally sensitive approaches to address domestic violence, sexual abuse, and female genital cutting (FGC). To hear the accomplishments and challenges of groups engaged in this work revealed the potential of grassroots level advocacy and community-led organizations. While there is a lot of work to be done in the gender-based violence space, the feminist solidarity I saw at the convention gave me immense hope about what this growing network can achieve: a future free from violence for all people.” -Samman Masud

Bridgewell Organizes Training for Social Workers

Social workers are an important stakeholder group to provide training for when it comes to supporting survivors of female genital cutting (FGC), and building the cultural competency of social workers is vital. Within the U.S., however, many social workers, advocates, and social service providers are not adequately equipped to address FGC in their practice. On Nov 8, in collaboration with Sahiyo and the US Network to End FGM/C Network, Bridgewell organized a training that provided continuing education units (CEUs) to social workers; the training gave an introductory foundation for understanding what FGC is, including its prevalence in the U.S. and globally, as well as and the role of social workers in addressing and responding to this issue. The workshop shared key competencies and best practices for working with survivors of FGC and supported increasing attendees’ confidence in talking about and addressing FGC in their practice. 

Reflecting on the 2023 Activists Retreat

By Samman Masud

In September 2023, activists, survivors of female genital cutting (FGC), and community members from the Bohra community came from all over the U.S. to gather in-person at Sahiyo’s 6th annual Activists Retreat. This three-day affair, in Atlanta, Georgia, brought together individuals belonging to the Bohra community to deepen relationships with one another, increase knowledge on FGC, and gain tools on how to advocate against FGC. This year, as in the past, the Retreat was filled with presentations, educational videos, group discussions, action planning sessions, and self-care activities. 

During the Retreat, survivors and community members were able to reflect on their personal experiences and connection with FGC in a safe and supportive environment, explore advocacy strategies, and discuss challenges they face in trying to discuss FGC. 

Having recently joined Sahiyo in August 2023 as their Community Engagement Coordinator, this was my first time attending the Activists Retreat. Although I assisted Sahiyo staff and volunteers to prepare educational materials in the weeks leading up to the retreat, I arrived in Atlanta not knowing what to expect from the attendees at the retreat.

To say that the three days I spent with other activists in Atlanta were humbling and inspiring would be an understatement. While I had read academic papers and participated in discussions about FGC in class settings during graduate school, I had little knowledge about the prevalence of FGC within Bohra diaspora communities in the U.S -- something I developed an in-depth understanding of from the presentations and survivor testimonies at the retreat. Listening to survivors who were Bohra recount their experiences with FGC, and other Bohra activists at the retreat reaffirmed to me the significance of community-led movements. I noticed that the activists, from various age groups and diverse personal and professional backgrounds were able to comfortably share their experiences of FGC and anti-FGC activism in a safe space–one that was void of ‘othering’ or Islamophobic narratives that are often invoked by human rights organizations when communities of color discuss gender-based violence. 

It was promising to see that the activists, despite their personal and professional commitments, took out time to be with other like-minded individuals to learn, and restrategize how to best address FGC within their communities to achieve lasting results. Together, we participated in workshops, engaged in difficult but important conversations, which were followed by self-care activities like journaling exercises or yoga at the patio that allowed us to unwind and relax.

We concluded this year’s Activists Retreat with individualized and group action plans to improve anti-FGC advocacy efforts and left with renewed commitments for our cause. As Sahiyo develops our Activists Retreat program in the future we hope to expand this program to other communities impacted by FGC. 

Legislative Roundtable held in Connecticut to discuss FGC

On November 6th, Sahiyo, as part of the Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C, supported a legislative briefing on the topic of female genital cutting (FGC) hosted by the Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunity (CWCSEO) and Connecticut Representative Jillian Gilchrest. Special guests included Mariya Taher, Co-Founder and U.S. Executive Director of Sahiyo, as well as experts from the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).

Connecticut remains one of only 9 states in the U.S. yet to address this human rights violation in any manner; this briefing provided insights into the legislative landscape surrounding FGC in the U.S., as well as progress made, challenges faced, and how to move forward in addressing FGC. NCSL also summarized the laws addressing FGC in the 41 states. The Connecticut Coalition to End FGM/C will continue to advocate for a bill to be introduced into this next legislative cycle, starting in January 2024, in hopes that CT legislation will recognize the need to promote a safer, healthier future for all in the state. 

Learn more about Sahiyo’s policy work here.

From idea to fruition: A webinar by nonprofit founders working in gender-based violence

Starting an organization is by no means an easy feat, even when someone is passionate about a topic, there will always be stumbles along the way to developing an  organization. These falls of Mariya Taher, cofounder of Sahiyo, are what led her to look for opportunities for support, like with the Valor LEAP fellowship program. The LEAP program is designed to provide an intensive, interactive training and practicum for leaders of color in the anti-violence field. 

With encouragement from the LEAP program, Mariya organized this webinar on November 13th to support others who have ideas and interests in starting a social justice-oriented organization. Founders from across the VALOR LEAP Cohorts, including Strong Oak Lefebvre, Sanjana Khan, Tonjie Reese, and April Barbosa joined Mariya for a discussion on what led them to found their organizations and the lessons, challenges, and successes that they have encountered along the way. 

Exploring FGC with GBV Service Providers

Female genital cutting (FGC) is an often overlooked facet of gender-based violence (GBV) in the United States. On November 2nd, Sahiyo joined forces with South Asian SOAR to host a training session tailored for service providers in the GBV sector.

Facilitators delved into the complexities of FGC, providing attendees with insights into FGC’s various forms and the emotional and physical impacts of this harmful practice. Compelling stories from survivors, shared through Sahiyo's Voices to End FGM/C project, shed light on the intersectional identities of survivors and their emotional journeys, as well as their inspiring advocacy efforts. The training also explored the cultural contexts of FGC, examining its presence globally, and more specifically in the U.S., receiving an overview of current U.S. laws related to FGC.

A reflection discussion prompted conversations about effective ways to engage with the general public and survivors on the issue of FGC. With more than 15 SOAR coalition members in attendance, this knowledge equips service providers to offer comprehensive support, bridging the understanding gap surrounding the complexities of FGC. As one participant stated: 

This session opened the other side of GBV, which is often absent from our day-to-day narratives. Thank you💜.

If your organization is interested in inviting Sahiyo to conduct a training session, please contact Sahiyo’s Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator Aries Nuño for more information. 


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