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Sahiyo's U.S. Executive Director will discuss transnational FGC at the United Nations in Geneva

On July 3rd, Sahiyo’s co-founder and U.S. Executive Director Mariya Taher will discuss cross-border and transnational female genital cutting (FGC) during the fifty-sixth session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.

This Side Event conducted in collaboration with OHCHR, the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation, Equality Now, and the Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso,aims to raise awareness about cross-border and transnational female genital mutilation/cutting. The panel discussion will also aim to provide a platform for various stakeholders, including states, UN agencies, civil society organizations and survivors, to discuss what can be done in response

Cross-border and transnational female genital mutilation/cutting is poorly documented yet critical to address if we want to end this harmful practice. Gaps in national and regional legal frameworks, lack of systematic and coordinated cooperation, and insufficient resources are just some of the challenges activists face in working to prevent it. 

The moderator for this event is Divya Srinivasan, the Global Lead on Ending Harmful Practices at Equality Now. Speakers include: 

  • H.E. Ambassador Nadine Traore Bazie, Chargée d'affaires,  Permanent Mission of Burkina Faso, who will give the opening remarks. 
  • Hannah Wu, OHCHR who will present the findings of the report on cross-border and  transnational female genital mutilation. 
  • Julia Bunting, UNFPA who will discuss the work of the UNFPA-UNICEF Joint Programme on  the elimination of female genital mutilation.
  • H.E. Dr. Isatou Touray, Former Vice President of The Gambia and Executive Director  of Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and  Children (GAMCOTRAP), will highlight cross-border female genital mutilation.  
  • Mariya Taher, Survivor and Executive Director of Sahiyo, U.S., who will discuss the issue of transnational female genital mutilation. 

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Breaking the Silence: A Conversation with My Father About FGM/C

By: Sharlon Bolos 

My father, a Filipino immigrant, was raised in a world where survival was paramount. He never had the opportunity to delve into the complexities of gender inequality. However, I believed it was essential to break the silence and initiate a conversation with him about a topic that is often shrouded in taboo: female genital cutting (FGC).

Approaching my father about FGM/C was not an easy task. Growing up, discussions about sensitive topics like this were scarce in our household. Yet, I knew that in order to foster understanding and promote change, I needed to create a space where we could comfortably engage in an open conversation.

The opportunity finally presented itself one evening as we sat down to watch TV as we always do. I mustered up the courage to broach the subject, fully aware of the discomfort it might bring. Taking a deep breath, I gently introduced the topic, highlighting its prevalence in certain communities and the harmful effects it has on women and girls.

At first, my father seemed taken aback by the sudden shift in conversation. His brows furrowed, indicating his apprehension. However, as I continued, he showed the willingness to engage in conversation and deepen his understanding.

To my surprise, he expressed genuine concern for the well-being of women and girls affected by FGC, acknowledging the need for collective action to end this form of gender-based violence. This, in a sense, marked the beginning of a journey towards greater awareness and empathy. My father may not have fully grasped the complexities of gender inequality overnight, but our dialogue opened the door to ongoing discussions and reflection that we may want to explore in the future.

In breaking the silence surrounding FGM/C, we pave the way for meaningful change and create a more inclusive and equitable society for future generations. I hope that through continued conversations and advocacy, my father and I in our own ways can work toward ending this harmful practice once and for all.

In honor of Father’s Day 2024, Sahiyo’s male engagement program, Bhaiyo, has launched a month-long public awareness campaign to uplift the importance of male voices and allies in ending FGC. Throughout the month of June, we’ll be asking community members to share how they have raised the topic of FGC in conversation with men in their lives. If you would like to contribute, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Ending FGM – Fight the Mansplaining, Toxic Masculinity, and Patriarchy

By: Brad Mazon (originally published on Brad's blog and reshared with his permission)

I’ve been involved with, and have worked against, the torture of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) since I worked with the U.S. Department of State in Somalia as a graduate school intern. The #EndFGM movement has experienced many successes over the years in terms of anti-FGM legislation and engaging men and boys in learning about this human rights violation.

As I sat in on a webinar last week designed to discuss strategies to bring men aboard as partners in this fight, I realized how steeped in the patriarchy some of my male colleagues were. Their solutions to ending the practice, while well-meaning, seemed to value mens’ perspectives and approaches over those of women and girls.

So I simply wrote in a Zoom comment: “I’m concerned that some of you believe that only men can end FGM. Men and women are equal, so if you are continually returning to the men in a community for their approval and participation to end FGM, then you are perpetuating the very men-oriented approaches that got girls and women into this mess in the first place.’

Seemingly the only white Western male on the call, I waited with baited breath for responses. I understood that men need to be involved in ending FGM, and wanted only to question my well-meaning male colleagues to question their own, and indeed their own cultures’, male privilege.

Phew! Some lovely heart emojis appeared, and some thumbs up too. I was relieved, even if my comment might have ruffled some male feathers. I had to leave the Zoom call, but hope that my comment meaningfully added to the discussion of ending this scourge. These men are on the front lines, working to end FGM. I merely encouraged them to keep male privilege, mansplaining, and toxic masculinity in check.

In honor of Father’s Day 2024, Sahiyo’s male engagement program, Bhaiyo, has launched a month-long public awareness campaign to uplift the importance of male voices and allies in ending FGC. If you would like to contribute, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Exploring Diverse Narratives of FGM/C: A Virtual Voices Screening Event

Join us on June 26th for an engaging and interactive session that offers a unique opportunity for dialogue and reflection surrounding the diverse narratives of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C). Through the powerful storytelling of our Voices to End FGM/C program, we will showcase a collection of authentic and compelling stories, each offering a glimpse into the lived experiences, resilience, and courage of individuals impacted by FGM/C.

Webinar details:

This session aims to foster understanding, empathy, and solidarity as we explore the multifaceted aspects of this issue. Together, let's listen, learn, and engage in meaningful conversations about the impact of FGM/C on individuals and communities. We invite you to bring your curiosity and questions, as we strive to create a safe and open environment for dialogue and reflection.

From the storytellers:

"I was so shocked when I found out that it still happens in some communities around the globe, including the one my sister and I were raised in." - Hatim (Listen)

"As of 2020, estimates are that at least 200 million women and girls have experienced female genital mutilation. This statistic makes me question if I, a trans-non-binary survivor of FGM, am real." - Dena (On Being A Non-Binary Survivor of FGM/C)

"I will never forget, and even if my mind did forget, my body cannot."- Somaya (Permanent Wound)

Don't miss this important event that brings to light the voices and stories of those who have been impacted by FGM/C. You participation contributes to a larger dialogue about human rights, gender equality, and the urgent need to end FGM/C. 

We look forward to seeing you there! Register today here.

Starting the Dialogue: Sharing Your Experiences on Initiating Conversations with Men about Female Genital Cutting

By: Noor Mohamed

Initiating conversations about female genital cutting (FGC) can potentially pose significant challenges, particularly when engaging with men. Yet, these discussions can play a vital role in fostering an understanding of and helping to drive positive change toward abandonment of FGC within communities. Exploring this sensitive topic with men opens avenues for uncovering deeply held beliefs, cultural nuances, and personal experiences that can shed light on the complexities surrounding FGC. It is through these conversations that we gain deeper insights into the underlying factors influencing attitudes toward FGC and pave the way for meaningful dialogue and collaboration toward addressing this issue.

Navigating Sensitive Conversations: Unveiling Perspectives on Female Genital Cutting

For my master’s thesis on the cultural acceptance or condemnation of female genital cutting in the USA, engaging with fathers turned out to be pivotal in my research success and was central to my learning. Here’s how I approached it.

A Respectful Approach

As a Sudanese researcher (EM), it was important for me to conduct interviews with respect and politeness, because respecting men is a big part of my culture. In our community, a woman's reputation can be easily damaged if sensitive topics are discussed too openly. So, I made sure to meet each person respectfully, making them feel valued and comfortable. I initiated discussions by focusing on women’s roles in society and the family to create a formal yet inviting atmosphere for fathers to share their thoughts openly.

Navigating Sensitive Topics:

Sensitive topics, including intimate matters, were avoided, such as: how does a wife with cut genitals experience sex? Is sexual intercourse a source of joy for both partners or does it involve pain? Did they seek the help of a midwife to dilate the vaginal orifice in their early sexual life, if sexual intercourse was not possible due to the small vaginal orifice size? 

Additionally, questions regarding men's enjoyment during sex were avoided, and women's health issues, such as irregular menstrual cycles, were not discussed. Avoiding these types of questions allowed fathers to feel more comfortable and less stressed during the interviews. In many cultures, discussing intimate life can be a sensitive issue that might hinder the continuation of the interview. Therefore, I ensured these topics were avoided to maintain a conducive environment for dialogue.

Unveiling Perspectives on FGC

Once the initial trust was established and we were discussing women as the center of the project, the conversations moved to opinions on FGC, religious perspectives, and whether they would consider FGC for their daughters. I emphasized that my aim was not to make them oppose FGC but to understand their perspectives.

Insights and Reflections

These conversations revealed the underlying factors influencing men's support for FGC and helped identify potential advocates for future anti-FGC educational initiatives. Men who supported the practice often justified it by citing religious reasons, while those against it stressed the importance of education against the practice and expressed their willingness to be part of educational communities. Some fathers felt so comfortable in the discussion that they shared personal stories about their childhood female friends who underwent the practice, describing how these friends were bedridden and unable to play with them.

Catalyst for Change

Treating participants with genuine courtesy facilitated candid discussions about the complexities of FGC and the challenges of addressing it within communities. In Sudanese culture, men have a significant influence, as their words are highly respected. They have the authority to prevent the practice of female genital cutting (FGC) from being imposed on their daughters or younger sisters, overriding the influence of grandmothers and wives who might support the tradition. Additionally, men can freely discuss with other men why FGC is a harmful practice without fear of being judged. This cultural dynamic underscores the importance of engaging men in discussions and decisions regarding FGC

Concluding thoughts

Discussing FGC with fathers has its challenges, but the rewards for understanding and potentially intervening to change social norms come from talking to all concerned with respect, dignity, and an eye to learning diverse perspectives on a very important issue. Even when interviewing women, respect was paramount. This respect is a way to show that I, as an interviewer, am still following our cultural norms when it comes to talking about sensitive topics like FGC, which matters greatly to participants. It is important not to stress that FGC is a wrong practice. The interview or discussion should show that you are someone seeking others' opinions about the practice. This approach helps avoid arguments and enables the collection of adequate information that can help in building future research or educational plans.

In honor of Father’s Day 2024, Sahiyo’s male engagement program, Bhaiyo, has launched a month-long public awareness campaign to uplift the importance of male voices and allies in ending FGC. If you would like to contribute, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Voices from Washington and Beyond: an In-Person Voices to End FGM/C Screening in Kent, WA

On June 13th, we had the privilege of hosting an in-person screening of the Voices to End FGM/C digital storytelling project in Kent, Washington, alongside project partners the US End FGM/C Network, Mother Africa, and the Washington Department of Health. This event provided a platform for courageous Washington-based individuals to share their personal narratives, shedding light on the practice of FGM/C and its profound impact on their lives.

The screening featured powerful videos from participants who bravely addressed the physical, emotional, and social consequences of FGM/C. These stories highlighted the diverse and enduring impacts of the practice, reflecting a wide range of cultural and community contexts. Some storytellers shared their experiences of advocacy efforts to end FGM/C, while others explored how healthcare providers can best support survivors or discussed the effects of FGM/C on their family relationships.

The event also emphasized the significance of Washington State's recent legislative progress, particularly the passage of State Senate Bill 5453 in April 2023, aimed at addressing FGM/C within the state. This milestone underscores the importance of multi-sectorial, holistic approaches involving healthcare, government, nonprofit, and community-based organizations, alongside community members directly impacted by FGM/C.

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A special feature of the event was the panel discussion, where two of the storytellers, Muna and Severina, answered questions about their experiences and insights. The discussion covered topics such as the healing process, the need for support and resources, effective strategies for spreading awareness, challenges faced by survivors in seeking medical care, and ways to engage communities, including men and boys, in the conversation to end FGM/C.

The screening in Kent fostered a sense of community and solidarity, highlighting the importance of creating safe spaces for open dialogue and mutual support. Many participants expressed gratitude for having a survivor-centered space where individuals could share and reflect on their experiences. We are deeply grateful to all the storytellers for their courage and the attendees for actively participating in learning more about FGM/C. 


The practice of khatna on girls must stop / છોકરીઓ પર ખત્નાની પ્રથા બંધ થવી જોઈએ

By Hakim Rangwala

Even in today's modern age, when Mukesh Ambani entrusted his daughter Isha with the management of a multi-crore retail business, there exists a very repulsive and harmful practice among the Dawoodi Bohra, a Shia sub-sect that generally looks modern and reformist on the surface.

When a girl is young, the Bohras cut her clitoris. They believe this to be a religious rite, and even today, well-educated Bohras and those with big businesses strictly practice it. Among Bohras all over the world, this practice of khatna is done by women themselves, and in cities and towns where there is no such woman, girls are taken abroad for it. 

This organ given by nature [the clitoris], which gives women the maximum sexual pleasure, is called 'bhrugankur' in Gujarati. Taking it away from a woman is a harm like no other. This is the only one. 

A few years ago, a case was filed against three Bohras in Australia for carrying out this practice of khatna on two young girls. This practice is illegal in Australia and other Western countries. Because of this case, the Bohra jamaats in Sydney and other such Western cities issued notices to the local communities not to perform khatna on girls. 

Now, some humanitarians have filed a legal appeal in court to demand that this practice is banned in India. I think it is not too much to expect that the good people reading this should also join in making this demand to abolish this harmful practice.

Hakim's blog post was originally written in Gujarati. Here is the untranslated version:

મુકેશ અંબાણીએ દીકરી ઈશાને લાખો-કરોડો રૂપિયાના વહીવટનો રિટેઇલ વેપાર સોંપીને સ્ત્રી પ્રત્યે સન્માન અને વિશ્વાસ દાખવ્યો એવા આજના આધુનિક યુગમાં પણ ઈસ્લામના શિયા સંપ્રદાયનો પેટા સંપ્રદાય દાઉદી વ્હોરા, જે સામાન્ય રીતે ઉપરથી આધુનિક અને સુધારાવાદી દેખાય છે, એ વ્હોરાઓમાં એક અતિ ધૃણાજનક અને ક્રૂર પ્રક્રિયા અસ્તિત્વમાં છે.

સ્ત્રી જ્યારે નાની બાળકી હોય છે ત્યારે આ વ્હોરાઓ એ બાળકીના ક્લાઈટોરીસ નું છેદન કરાવે છે. આ ક્રિયાને તેઓ ધાર્મિકતા સમજે છે અને મોટા કહેવાતા ઉદ્યોગપતિઓ, ભણેલા- ગણેલા દાઉદી વ્હોરાઓ પણ આ ક્રિયાનું ચુસ્ત પાલન કરે છે આજના યુગમાં પણ. દુનિયા આખીમાં સ્ત્રી ખતના કરવાનું કામ ખુદ વ્હોરા સ્ત્રીઓ જ કરતી હોય છે અને જ્યા એવી સ્ત્રી ન રહેતી હોય એ ગામ-શહેરના લોકો પોતાની બાળકીઓને બહારગામ લઈ જઈને પણ આ ખતના કરાવે છે.

સ્ત્રીને સેક્સમાં મહત્તમ આનંદ આપતું કુદરતે એને આપેલું અંગ જેને ગુજરાતીમાં ભૃગાંકુર કહે છે. આ અંગ સ્ત્રી પાસેથી આંચકી લેવું એના જેવી ક્રૂર ક્રિયા બીજી એકેય નથી. આ એક અને અજોડ ક્રૂરતા છે.

અમુક વર્ષો પહેલા ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયામાં બે યુવતીઓ પર ખત્ના કરવા બદલ ત્રણ વ્હોરા સામે કેસ દાખલ કરવામાં આવ્યો હતો. ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયા અને પશ્ચિમના અન્ય ઘણા દેશોમાં છોકરીઓ પર ખટના ગેરકાયદેસર છે. આ કેસને કારણે, સિડનીમાં અને આમાંના ઘણા પશ્ચિમી શહેરોમાં વ્હોરા જમાતે સ્થાનિક સમુદાયને હવે છોકરીઓ પર ખત્ના ન કરવા સૂચના આપી છે.

હવે ભારતમાં આવી ક્રૂર પ્રથા ન હોવી જોઈએ કાયદાથી એવી માંગ અમુક માનવતાવાદી લોકોએ ઉપાડીને કોર્ટમાં અપીલ કરી છે. આ વાંચનાર ભલા લોકોએ પણ આ માંગ માં જોડાવું જોઈએ અને આ ક્રૂર પ્રથા નાબૂદ થવી જોઈએ એવી અપેક્ષા વધુ પડતી નથી જ એવું મને લાગે છે, હો સાહેબ.....

In honor of Father’s Day 2024, Sahiyo’s male engagement program, Bhaiyo, has launched a month-long public awareness campaign to uplift the importance of male voices and allies in ending FGC. If you would like to contribute, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Sahiyo Presents FGC 101 Training at ICASA’s Annual Conference

On May 22nd, Sahiyo U.S. had the honor of presenting an FGC 101 training at the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA) conference in Springfield, Illinois. This training aimed to raise awareness and educate attendees about the critical issue of female genital cutting (FGC).

Our session provided a comprehensive overview of FGC, including terminology, WHO’s classification of FGC, health impacts, and prevalence globally and in the United States, with specific statistics from Illinois. The presentation emphasized the need for stronger data, enhanced research, and community engagement to improve prevention, protection, and support services for women and girls impacted by FGC.

Jumai Olumo, a dedicated Sahiyo volunteer and PhD candidate studying community psychology with a special focus on FGM/C, attended in person to support the event. Her academic and professional insights made the discussion both informative and personable. The diverse audience included rape crisis center staff from around the state, counselors, advocates, preventionists, and management/leadership, all of whom play a crucial role in supporting survivors of sexual violence.

Participants were struck by the global and local prevalence of FGC, including within the United States. Many attendees were also surprised to learn that only 41 states currently have laws against FGC.

One attendee remarked, "The presentation was incredibly impactful for someone like me who had little knowledge of FGC," while another reflected, "great, informative presentation. Glad to know this organization exists."

The ICASA conference provided an excellent platform for Sahiyo to connect with other organizations and individuals committed to ending sexual violence and supporting survivors. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this important conversation and continue raising awareness.


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